∗∗✦Chapter Four✦∗∗

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"Such a beautiful bond they have!"
She smiled and went to her room.


Mahmuda and Afjal came to Jubaida's sister's house. Riyad is a university third year student, he also teaches car driving. Well, Mahmuda also got interested in car driving from him.

They all sat in the in the dining area after saying Salam to each other. Shahnaz sat beside Mahmuda and Mahmuda hughed her "My beloved Aunty" Shahnaz smiled and patted her head "Why Jubaida didn't came?" Azad asked to Afjal and he replied "She will come later for vacation that's why she didn't came" Azad nodded and Shahnaz said "How's Ulfat and Amal?" "Alhamdulillah they all are good" Shahnaz got up and went to kitchen to bring snacks for them. After a while She came to dining area with a tray full of snacks. Shahnaz gave Mahmuda her favourite Boba tea. "Where is hyung?" Mahmuda asked "He is in his room. I think he didn't listen to the door bell that's why he didn't came" Mahmuda sipped on her Boba tea and got up "I'm going to him" "Don't irritate him too much Jannah" Mahmuda smiled at Afjal and said "I won't irritate too much. Just a little bit" They all laughed after listening to her.

Mahmuda came to Riyad's room and saw Riyad was watching series in his laptop.

Mahmuda went to him and jumped on him from behind " Assalam Alaikum Hyung!!" Riyad chuckled and held her arms which was on his shoulder

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Mahmuda went to him and jumped on him from behind " Assalam Alaikum Hyung!!" Riyad chuckled and held her arms which was on his shoulder. "Walaikum Salam Princess" Mahmuda sat beside him and hugged his arm "I miss you hyung!" Then someone slapped on her head from behind "Only him? Did you forget me?" As Abid said Mahmuda giggled and Riyad glared at him "Don't hurt my Princess Abid!" Mahmuda mocked Abid by showing her tongue. Riyad took Boba tea from Mahmuda's hand and took a sip from it. "Oyee! I also deserve one sip" Abid tried to take the Boba tea from Riyad but Riyad didn't gave it to him. "Strange! Is it my Boba tea or you both?"
They all drank the tea together while watching the series in the laptop. After a while Afjal came to them. "Assalam Alaikum uncle" Riyad and Abid both said together "Walaikum Salam sons. Jannah, I'm going. Take care of yourself okay?" Mahmuda came to him and hugged him "Okay Abbu. Go safely and call me when you reach" Afjal kissed her covered head and nodded "And one important thing, don't mischievous with them okay?" Afjal said and Riyad replied "Don't worry Uncle. I will handle her, after all she is my Princess" Mahmuda winked at him and said "Hehe... My beloved hyung" "Okay then. I'm taking my leave" Afjal said and aparted from Mahmuda. "Assalam Alaikum" Mahmuda Riyad and Abid said together and Afjal replied "Walaikum Salam" with that Afjal left from there.


Jungkook was reading Stories of Prophets written by Al-Imam Ibn Khatir.

In book
*Into that family Abraham was born, destined to stand against his own family*

"I wish I also can make my parents understand the value of Islam!" A heavy sigh left Jungkook's chest.
"Jungkook!?" Jungkook was in his thought but flinched listening to Mr Jeon's voice from behind. He was that much deep in thought that he didn't realise his father's presence. Jungkook turned around to Mr Jeon but before he could balance himself a harsh slap landed on his left cheek! Jungkook hold his cheek and looked at Mr Jeon with red eyes which were trying hard to stop tears! "WHAT DID I TOLD YOU??" Mr Jeon said furiously but got the same reply as always "And I also told you I'm not accepting any religion other than Islam!" Mr Jeon took the book from bed and threw it on the floor "Appa!!" Jungkook hurriedly took the book from floor and hugged it. Mr jeon grabbed Jungkook's hand and said "You will go to church with me, AND NOW!" This time Jungkook couldn't stopped him and said loudly "I SAID I WON'T WORSHIP ANYONE OTHER THAN ALLAH!" Another slap landed on his left cheek, Jungkook didn't say anything and got out of the house with heavy steps. Mrs Jeon Jae rested her hand on Mr Jeon's shoulder and said with a soft voice "Let him choose what he want honey! We can't force anyone to worship anyone" Mr Jeon Hoon sat on Jungkook's bed "Islam is a sacred and difficult religion Jae! I'm feeling scared for his future. I have seen many of my Muslim colleagues going through many trials!" Mrs Jae side hugged him and replied "But did you ever seen they got disappointed of that? Instead they still smiles and waits for good with full of patience" Hoon looked at her but said nothing.

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