∗∗✦Chapter Three✦∗∗

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Tajwar POV

Mia and Tajwar both were in a hotel room which was Mia's personal flat. Her father gifted her this flat as her birthday gift last year.
Tajwar was sitting on the bed while scrolling his phone then he listened opening sound of washroom's door. He looked up and saw Mia was wearing a black thin cleavage revealing top.

He lowered his gaze and again focus on his phone. Mia came to him and sat beside him "What made you to change your clothes?" Tajwar said with a stern voice but she replied with a seductive voice "I thought we should spend some private time that's why Daddy!" Tajwar turned his head, his eyes went at her revealed cleavage "Astagfirullah!" He screamed and got up from the bed. "What the hell are you doing Mia? Please wear something to cover your body!" Mia didn't listened to him and grabbed his collar. She was about to kiss him on his lips but he aparted by pushing her. "Okay, if you don't want then its okay. Please sit down" Tajwar sat on the bed again after listening her words. Mia went in another room and changed in covered outfit. She came with a glass of juice.
"Drink it and cool your nerves." She smiled and he took the glass from his hand. He took two sip of the juice and seeing him drinking the juice Mia smirked! After about ten minutes Tajwar was feeling hot and something weird inside his stomach. Mia came to him and patted his head. She said in his ear in a husky voice "What happened Daddy?!" Tajwar looked up at her with intoxicated eyes and saw she was wearing the same revealing dress. "Mia I'm feeling hot!" Mia sat on his lap and started to open his shirt button. After opening his upper three buttons Tajwar stopped her by holding her hand "Don't....do this Mia! It's....Haram for me!" Mia acted like she didn't hear what he said. She started to kiss him and he was not stopping her nor kissing her back because of the Viagra effect. But he managed himself to push her and got up from the bed. His head was spinning and he was feeling horny and weird at the same time. He opened the door lock and was about to go out from the flat but Mia stopped him by holding his shirt from back "LEAVE ME!" Mia flinched listening to his hoarse voice and leave him, he got out from the flat and got on the elevator. He somehow managed to call Jungkook. After one ring Jungkook picked his phone "Hello Taj?" Before Jungkook could say something Tajwar said with a shuttering voice "Jungkook! Please come to Shakle Hotel" Jungkook didn't say any single word in reply and took his car key and went for that hotel! Because he can sense the unusual voice of Tajwar.
Tajwar got out from the elevator and went out from the hotel and stand by reclining with the wall behind him.
After about seven to eight minutes Jungkook came with his car and got out from the car. He noticed something unusual in Tajwar "What happened Taj?" "I don't know kook! I'm feeling unnatural hot!" Jungkook didn't asked him much things and hold him by his arms. Tajwar released his body weight in the seat of car. He was thinking of Mahmuda unknowingly. He himself didn't even realise he was feeling guilty while some word of Mahmuda echoed in his mind "If you own self say any day that you've raped someone, I won't believe that! Cause I know my Zauj never can disrespect any girl by harming her dignity!"
A tear left his eyes and he said with a cracking voice "I'm sorry Sidra!" Jungkook listened and frowned his eyebrows!........


Mahmuda was sleeping in her room at evening. Afjal came home after offering his Isha Salah in mashjid. Ulfat went to him and hugged him. Afjal hugged her back and kissed her side head "My second Jannah!" His three daughters are his life, and he can do anything to keep them happy. It seems like he loves Mahmuda more than Ulfat and Amal at first but they show their love to their three daughters in three ways. Afjal aparted from Ulfat "Where is Mahmuda Ulfat?" "She's sleeping in her room with Amal Abbu"
Afjal went to kitchen to checkout Jubaida, he saw she was preparing dinner for them. Afjal went to her and back hugged her and rested his chin over her shoulder.
"When did you came?" Afjal sniffed into her neck as she was wearing her hijab as a dopatta. Jubaida turned around and put her arms on his shoulder "Why so romantic suddenly?" Afjal smiled and replied "Can't I make love with my beautiful lady anytime?" Jubaida smiled while blushing and lowered her head "Yes you cam my majesty!" They both laughed and hugged each other "Thank you for being with me till now and Jazakallah for giving me three Jannah!" "How could I leave you when I have loved you with whole of my heart?" Jubaida snuggled her nose into his chest and sniffing his perfume. Afjal parted away from her and kissed on her forehead.

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