Chapter 2: A New Dawn

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Austronesian Empire, Imperial Maharlika, Maynilad, Malacanang Palace.

1999, 31, 4th Week, December.

The palace of the empire where the emperor lives has survived throughout countless wars. Ranging from the third and fourth world war that started shortly after the second world war. Subsequently resulting in the rise of the third positions ideologically. The Palace of the Austronesian People's Empire had little grandiosity or anything that invokes curiosity towards the eyes. Thus, it was presented off with humbleness yet immensely important for the political machine of the Empire.

In the early 1950s, Disgruntled capitalist, nationalist, communist, and old monarchist alike formed a unified front and had overthrown the corrupted government, as they were too tired of their bullshit, so they replaced it with their own style of ideology and form of government, while respectively giving leeway towards each other's ideologies and compromising on some.

Constitutional Presidential Parliamentary Monarchy with National Imperial Socialism

From the top lies the People's Emperor, which was Juan Delroy Maximo. Followed by the President and subsequently the Prime Minister, which as follows, Sebastian Miles Oliver and Lucian Magnus Remy. Which was then again followed by the three Imperial Governor General of the Three Major Imperial States. Julian Vincent Roman Of Maharlika, Awang Budiharto Ghazaar Of Tanah Melayu and lastly Ahmad Fadhlan Abyasa Of Majapahit.

The three imperial provinces weren't united in the past. They were three countries before, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. However, because of the unseen hands that provoked the third world war.

That's when the merging of the left and right wing in the Republic Of The Philippines happened. They placed an emperor at its head and adopted sweeping reforms that saved the country from damnation, which was now renamed to Imperial Maharlika. Their ambitions grew bigger and bigger. It wasn't until the unprovoked attack against the People's State Of Xinhua, that ignited the third world war.

It is where the island of Formosa was struck by a nuclear arsenal coming from the North American Empire. Which then forced the People's State Of Xinhua to retaliate in kind. However, The Imperial Maharlika didn't join any factions. Instead, they focused on their own ambitions, and that is to reunite Austronesia, though they silently supported their brothers and sisters in the People's State Of Xinhua against the ideals of the democratic imperialist American Menace throughout Asia.

The Maharlikans started by establishing sleeper cells and underground medias that the sole purpose of it was distributing propaganda throughout the former lands of their ancestors, which was widely influenced by other races. Which was the nation of Malaysia and Indonesia.

With excellent political maneuvering and poor skills of their adversaries, the Indonesian and the Malaysian government collapsed after a few months of the sleeper cells and the underground media being established, apparently these governments were too weak willed for them to capitulate this much early in a war of intrigue.

Upon gaining the chance to strike, the Maharlikans immediately move in and restore order by a heavily calculated invasion by sea, air and land. The inhabitants fought for a few days, however upon realising that there would be no help to come and with their government a flamed, one by one they surrendered en masse.

With the key cities and states under their control, the Empire implemented daunting reforms that gained the approval of the masses. As news of approval from the masses spread throughout the nation, the remaining resistance gave up and surrendered.

The operation of establishing sleeper cells and underground mass medias on the territories of Malaysia and Indonesia was called Operation Merdeka.

After stabilising the political climate among the regions of newly gained territories, they then formed a new inclusive government for all the people of Austronesia, which was now renamed to Austronesian People's Empire. Which is now protected by Austronesian's Liberation Army. Every state that belongs to the Austronesian is now a core state of their country and they will defend every inch of of it to their lives.

Pan-Austronesianism at its finest.

Sadly, the Austronesians also would like to reclaim Formosa, Madagascar and some Pacific Islands where the Austronesian Heritage is at its largest. Unfortunately, they didn't want to take part in any war anymore and they wouldn't like to start a war with their Xinhuan brothers and sisters.

Even though Austronesia is an empire, but when one visits the empire they wouldn't think that it is an actual empire, because the people here have more rights compared to the contemporary age. Except for the media, the government and its citizen allies control the mainstream media, they did it to keep any partisans and foreign influence from splitting the newly born country; it is for the betterment of the country and the masses.

Although the birth of the country is filled intrigues and self-serving interest, to make a united front among the fledgeling countries of Southeast Asia and to provide a haven from the war and chaos from the outside world, the Malays, Indos and Filipinos forgave each other and stood united among a broken world doused with gasoline. That's when the birth of the Austronesian People's Empire truly happened.

Upon witnessing the horrors of the second and its continued world war, where the remaining fascist in the newly proclaimed Social Weimar Federation and Federal Republic Of Germany successfully toppled both of the governments and reunited Germany once more.

Filled with vengeance and anger they indiscriminately killed any non-aryan they could see after taking power once again.

Meanwhile, upon losing control of Germany, Joseph Stalin's remaining adversaries in the Soviet Union assassinated him, which then led to the downward spiraling of the Soviet Union as it descended into a successionist war.

Meanwhile, the United States Of America, seeing another German Reich delivered an ultimatum to what's now called Deutsches Reich, which was then denied that turned to cause the continuation of the second world war.

The Germans then started another blitzkrieg among its neighbors, successfully knocking out The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium, which was then followed by France. With the Soviets collapsed with many breakaway states declaring independence, the germans then once again Anschlussed Austria. Following the successful toppling of the western neighbours of Deutsches Reich, they then supplied the fledgling fascist party in Italy, after which a civil war erupted between the german back Italian fascist and the democratic regime backed by the allies.

The germans were so fast as they have a lot of equipment gained from their past occupants, which the past occupants thought that they'd be fighting the soviets instead they once again fought the germans. They didn't have any single proper response to the return of National Socialist Germany and so they were taken by surprise and their equipment seized in Germany and was kicked out of the country within a matter of days.

With the rapid advancement of the germans and Italian Front and the declaration of neutrality by the former soviet states, the allies were forced to sign a peace treaty with the germans as they have lost a foothold in Europe and in Africa as they have already given the independence to the Africans.

One would think the peace was achieved, but no, many more proxy wars and chaos would follow suit. After the outbreak of the Fourth World War, the Austronesian People's Empire would become a haven for refugees and, most importantly, a rising regional power.

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