Chapter 28: The Apollo's Arrow

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Austronesian Empire, Imperial Maharlika, Mindanao, In The Outskirts of General Santos City, In The Streets Outside Of General Santos City.

2000, 2, 1st Week, January

The dark sky has surrounded the once beautiful city of General Santos, now a desolate place bathed in the eerie glow of moonlight where it could penetrate the gloom.


A soldier shouted as he fired a rocket from the RPG on his shoulder. In the distance, a group of demons, that appeared to be civilians but radiating bloodlust, aggressively charged across the field with inhuman speed and eager for blood before being blown by a rocket that bombard them to oblivion.

Right now, the Liberation Army had the city completely sealed off by surrounding it with a perimeter wall constructed from metal fences, cargo containers, and cinder blocks to prevent any demons from escaping or allow any potential surviving refugees out of the city, if there is any.

On the outskirts of the city, rows upon rows of soldiers from the Liberation Army stood ready in a perfect column order. Tanks, aircraft, and many different armored vehicles advanced toward the devastated city as part of a massive operation involving 10,000 soldiers, 30 tanks, 100 armored vehicles, and 15 attack helicopters, which will soon be known as one of the largest deployments the Austronesian Empire had ever undertaken.

 Tanks, aircraft, and many different armored vehicles advanced toward the devastated city as part of a massive operation involving 10,000 soldiers, 30 tanks, 100 armored vehicles, and 15 attack helicopters, which will soon be known as one of the l...

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"10,000 soldiers, that's way too many troops than I expected," one soldier remarked, surrounded by a thousand others

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"10,000 soldiers, that's way too many troops than I expected," one soldier remarked, surrounded by a thousand others.

"The Liberation Army is divided into three groups," a soldier behind him replied. "The other two teams have even larger numbers than ours I heard, while the southern part is being guarded by three battleships and a dreadnought sent by the navy."

"Okay, but it still seems excessive."

"Well, it's because we have to prevent any of the creatures from escaping or sneaking out of the city," he explained, "That's why so many troops have been deployed to surround the city."

"We're talking about 10,000 soldiers targeting one city here! That's too many and unnecessary!" shouted another soldier.

"No, it's absolutely necessary," the second soldier replied grimly. "Just yesterday, in Cebu City, I saw with my own eyes that some sort of demon knight had wiped out a unit of nearly 100 soldiers alone! We only managed to kill it with a battalion of tanks and reinforcements, along with the demon zombies it created from civilians and soldiers it had killed. Not to mention, there have been 13 similar reports across the nation with these monsters, and while we were able to neutralize nearly all of them, we've lost more than half a thousand soldiers so far."

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