Chapter 1

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The atmosphere grew dark and sky red as blood as we ran away from the phantom, its footsteps echoing right behind us."Time?!" Ashlyn's voice echoed, jolting Logan into a panicked glance at his clock. "Eight minutes!" he exclaimed, matching her urgency.

Eight minutes, and we would be out of this hellhole.

As I stole a fleeting glance behind me, adrenaline surged through me at the sight of the phantom being so close to us. Every nerve in my body tingled with fear as I urged my numb and exhausted legs to move faster.

The sound of the footsteps echoed in my ears, driving me onward, while the wind whipped against my face, stinging with cold determination. Y/n, don't look back! The urgency in my own voice pierced through my thoughts. Just keep running! If you stop, you're dead.

I pushed myself forward, my heart racing in sync with the rhythm of my pounding footsteps, knowing that any hesitation could mean the end."

"The Graveyard!" Ashlyn's scream pierced the air. Without a word, we all surged forward, our hearts pounding, and the phantom matched our pace with unnerving speed.

Suddenly my foot caught on a hidden tree root. Time seemed to slow as I stumbled forward, my body ready to embrace the muddy ground.

But before I hit the ground a strong grip enveloped my trembling hand. In that moment, Ben's firm hand pulled me with him and prevented me from falling.

I sprang back to my feet as Ben's grip on my hand tightened, refusing to let go. Together, we dashed towards the gate.

Ashlyn stood next to the button that would shut the gate close.Ben and I passed through first, followed by Taylor and Aiden, and finally Tyler with Logan.

"Close the gate,close the gate!"Tyler yelled at Ashlyn who slammed the red button without wasting any More seconds.

For clarity, we all watched as the gate slowly closed,the Phantom nearly made it through but the gate closed just on time.


Before I could finish my word that annoying Phantom banged on the door.Logan looked terrified, and despite the tension, I couldn't help but chuckle softly. I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, we're safe now," I assured him. He simply nodded in response.

Ashlyn then suggested to head to the bus.Finally some rest,we headed towards the bus while I tried to ignore the annoying banging from outside.


We all sat down on the seats.Everyone tried to relax "Thanks for the saving before"
He just smiled and gave me thumbs up.

I sat behind him as i felt a stinging sensation on my leg.

It's incredible how adrenaline can numb pain.This was no ordinary cut.It felt like my entire skin had been ripped open.Did this happen during the fall? As I attempted to touch it, a hiss escaped my lips,which I quickly tried to cover.

"Y/n, everything okay?" Taylor's voice dripped with concern as she noticed me inspecting my leg. She leaned over for a closer look. "It's fine," I reassured her quickly. "Just a scratch from when I fell. Don't worry."

"Are you sure? That doesn't look good. You need to take care of it," Taylor insisted, her worry evident on her face.

Ben noticed our talk and turned around from his seat to face me and Taylor. As he saw my leg, he looked at my face with worry, ready to take out the med kit. "It really is fine. I will patch it up later," I assured him.

"That sucked"Tyler voiced his frustration, slumping back in his seat. We were all drained and worn out. Ashlyn winced, massaging her foot, she must have twisted it during our run.

Before I could ask her about her injury,I noticed that the banging from outside stopped. Ashlyn and the others also noticed the sudden silence.

"It probably gave up or- something"

We all saw the Phantom from before slowly Entering the bus.
How did it came inside?

We all crawled back to the end of the bus, staying close together. I hid myself behind Ben and Logan, feeling a surge of fear as the Phantom drew nearer and nearer.

 I hid myself behind Ben and Logan, feeling a surge of fear as the Phantom drew nearer and nearer

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When I started reading Sbg I instantly fell in luv with Ben,so I searched for some x readers and gues what??
There weren't any ;(

So I'm just writing my own for the people who feel the same

I promise the following chapters will be better and longer,just trust the process<3

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Word amount: 769

Ben Clark x reader | Scoolbus Graveyard Where stories live. Discover now