Chapter 2

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"I will never get used to this," I muttered to myself as I heard my phone buzzing. I checked the group chat that Aiden had made.


Everyone okay?


Lol that was close

Physically yes

Mentally no

Physically and mentally no

Did anyone finish the homework?

Wich homework?



Fuck yall

Screw it.



"Forget about the homework, it's too late now anyway," I sighed, pushing the thought aside. As I rose from my soft bed, I slipped on my cozy slippers before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My reflection revealed eye bags that could rival Santa's present sack.

After searching for a black crop top and my trusty blue baggy jeans, I made myself a cup of green tea and wandered into the living room, only to find... no one. With Mom at work, loneliness was my only companion. Settling onto the couch, I felt the warmth of my tea nearly pulling me back to sleep.

After finishing my tea, I stood up with a sigh, popping in my headphones and slinging my backpack over my shoulder as I made my way to the bus station near Ashlyn's house.

At the bus station, Ashlyn caught my eye, and we exchanged brief hellos and waves, both too tired for longer conversation. Heading onto the bus, we spotted Ben, who appeared just as drained as I felt, and Aiden, who greeted us with his usual happy face. "Hey Ash, hey Y/n."

I let myself fall down on the seat infront them not having the power to answer, I just closed my eyes and tried to rest while Aidens voice wouldn't let me.

Wanna copy?" His unexpected offer started me awake.

"Hell yes," I blurted out eagerly. Aiden handed us the paper, and Ashlyn thanked him as we both began to copy.He smiled as an response.

As we entered class, the teacher simply greeted us with a "good morning." He gave us weird looks since we all looked like corpses. Without thinking much about it, I sat in my seat, which was currently behind Ashlyn and next to Ben.

As the teacher requested, we all took out our homework. Before the lesson even started, I drifted asleep.

I woke up as the bell rang and realized that I wasn't the only one who fell asleep, looks like the others did too. I quickly packed my things since the others waited for me. Aiden insisted that we eat together to talk about "stuff," which meant the phantoms.

Finishing up, I joined them, and as I settled in, I noticed one strap of Ben's backpack was nearly falling off his shoulder. Without hesitation, I moved beside him and silently fixed it.

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