Chapter 9

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Ashlyn started to explain her plan, "I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there."

"Weak strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah, like that's gonna keep it closed!" Tyler retorted.

"Maybe not, but it'll stay closed long enough for us to make a run for it! You guys go!"

The monsters began climbing up the sides, and we all hesitated.

"I said go!" Ashlyn's voice echoed with urgency.

Tyler sighed, muttering a curse, and together with Taylor and Logan, bolted for safety. Aiden, Ben, and I stayed behind to assist Ashlyn.

"Ben, tie this to the door handle," Aiden instructed quietly. Ben then made his way to the door, and they all started tying the strings while I stood there, feeling useless. I wished I could help them more. My whole bow set was at home; if I had brought it with me, I could back them up or something.

My leg started to shake uncontrollably, and a sharp pain pierced through my head. The fear from everyone around me hit me like a tidal wave, amplifying my own anxiety.The raw terror and desperation from my friends were too overwhelming, making it hard to focus, to think.

It's not the right time to be so unfocused, Y/n. Concentrate! I took a deep breath, trying to shut the others out and calm my racing mind.

With or without a weapon, I needed to be useful. I made my way to the door that was already tied and leaned my ear against it, shutting my eyes to hear the distance. The steps of those things were getting louder, and it wouldn't take long until they reached us.

"Guys, hurry a bit!"

The stomps grew only louder and louder. "Hurry up!" I said, panicking. Just in time, they finally finished.

"Run!" Ashlyn screamed.

With a snap, the tie broke, and the door burst open, allowing a monster to slip through. I quickly looked behind me and kicked the now half-open door back shut with my already hurting leg. The door made harsh contact with the monsters, kicking them back as well.

"This should buy us a few seconds," I gasped out.

The others had surged ahead, but my injured leg slowed me down. Those creatures would reopen the door in seconds. Terror flooded my eyes as the door crashed open again, and the monsters closed in on me. I made the mistake of looking back—those things were faster than I was, much faster.

Tears blurred my vision as I ran, desperately trying to avoid colliding with anything. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. With my free hand, I wiped my teary eyes and saw Ben, his grip tight on my hand. We sprinted toward the others, and I noticed Ashlyn eyeing the cleaning cart ahead of her.

"Move!" she yelled, and Ben quickly pulled me with him behind her, as she slammed the creature with the wagon. As it reached for her hand, I let go of Ben's hand, took the cart from Ashlyn and shoved it with the monster roughly against the wall. Aiden then rushed to my side, grabbed a chemical from the cart, and aimed it at the monster's eyes.

"Y'know... this could be fun," Aiden said with his psychotic smile. He then sprayed the chemical into the creature's eyes, causing it to squirm. I stepped away from the cleaning wagon and let out a sigh. "That could have gone so wrong."

"Lol, why isn't it screaming?" Aiden asked himself while staring at the monster clutching its eye.

Just as I focused on the scene, my attention shifted to the hysterical movement beside me. Ashlyn was covering her ears, clearly distressed.

It seemed like those creatures were making noises that only she could hear. Ben and I were joining her side with a worried look. Neither Ben nor I knew how to help her. I slowly stroked Ashlyn's back,hoping to distract her, even if just a little."it's okay we will be out of here soon, just try to calm down" I said quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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