Chapter 8

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Something was touching my leg. "Taylor?" I called out tiredly but got no response. To check where she was, I looked to my side and saw she was still asleep. Then I felt a tight grip and the sensation of nails digging into my flesh. I hissed in pain and pushed the blanket off my legs to see what was causing it.

I screamed as the thing tightened its grip and dug its nails deeper into my leg, a sinister smile on its face. Panicking, I tried to free myself, but I only ended up falling to the floor, which made its nails dig deeper into my skin. Desperate, I grabbed the nearest object-a chair-and slammed it into the creature's face repeatedly. Ashlyn and Taylor woke up, startled by the commotion and Tyler let out a scream with shock plastering her face.

I quickly freed myself from its grip as it let go and stood up. I continued stomping it with the chair, my panic fueling my strength. Just as I nearly collapsed, Ashlyn ran up to support me, holding me by my side. Taylor let out another scream, her eyes wide with terror.

The room was filled with chaos as we all tried to process what had just happened. I could feel the adrenaline still pumping through my veins, my heart racing as I saw the blood dripping from my leg to the ground. I clung to Ashlyn for support.

Then the door smashed open, and Ben and Aiden burst into our room. "Did anyone else hear screaming?" Aiden asked, but he was cut off by Tyler, who also entered, accidentally smashing the door against Aiden's forehead.
Moments later, Logan entered, holding his glasses in hand, his tired expression quickly transforming as he saw the chaotic scene before him.

"Taylor!" Tyler called out.

"Ty!" Taylor responded, and the siblings ran to each other for a hug.

"Oh, so it was them. Why were you screaming?" Aiden asked, confused. Ashlyn moved away from me, revealing the situation to the others. My leg was bleeding heavily, and I was holding a chair down on a monster.

I slowly lost my balance as my bleeding leg started to feel numb. Ben quickly moved to my side, putting my arm around his neck for support.

While hugging his sister, Tyler demanded, "What's going on?!"
His gaze shifted from my injured leg to Ashlyn,as he waited for an explanation from us.

Ashlyn, panicking, stammered, "Something's in the-" but she abruptly stopped. They all turned to see another one of those creatures standing next to the wall.

Silence fell over us, each of us stunned into speechlessness.


"Go," Ashlyn said, her voice trembling. "Go, go, go!" she then started to yell. Everyone rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind them. A loud scratching noise echoed from the other side.Eeach breath we took felt heavy with the weight of the moment, our hearts racing as we processed the intensity of what had just happened.

While the others started to process what was happening, I slowly let myself slide down the wall. My leg wouldn't stop bleeding, and as the adrenaline was slowly fading the pain was starting to feel unbearable. I tried to rip some fabric from my pants to use as a makeshift bandage, but I didn't have enough strength.

Ben, noticing my struggle, moved from the door to my side and kneeled down beside me.

He pointed at the fabric, and I nodded. With swift hands, he tore a small but long enough strip from the bottom of my pajamas. He then gently lifted my pant leg to reveal the full extent of the injury and carefully wrapped the fabric around the bloody area, clearly trying to avoid causing me more pain.

Despite his efforts, I couldn't help but let out a hiss of pain. Ben gave me an apologetic look.

"It's fine," I said, trying to smile through the pain. "I can handle it." As Ben finished securing the makeshift bandage, I noticed the worried glances from the others. Aiden and Taylor were whispering urgently, their eyes darting between the door and us, while Tyler paced back and forth, clearly agitated.

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