Chapter 7

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"Welcome to the Sorrel Weed House! So, this is the foyer. Most everything in this house is original, with the exception of the furniture and the paint on the walls," our guide explained.

I wasn't really interested in the historical details, if this place was truly haunted, I wanted to see something supernatural. While everyone else listened to our guide, I searched every corner for signs of the paranormal, feeling like some kind of ghost hunter.

"This is the Francis Sorrel Library, and the man you see in this portrait is Robert E. Lee. Lee was a dear friend of Francis and visited the Sorrel House quite often. In the winter of '61-'62, just before the great war, General Lee used this room as his office," our guide explained.

While everyone was focused on the portrait, I slowly and discreetly made my way to the bookshelves behind us. I tried pulling forward some suspicious-looking books, hoping one would activate a hidden door like in the movies.I mean, if I get the chance to visit a haunted place, then I'm going to make the most of it.

But sadly, nothing worked, and Tyler, who noticed my attempt, couldn't resist making fun of me. The others noticed too, and I awkwardly went back to the group.

"It was worth a shot," I muttered.

Our guide then continued, "As far as spooky activity goes, this room seems to be the calmest. Not to say there isn't any ghostly activity here, but out of the entire house, I'd say it's milder-" She was abruptly cut off by her ringing phone.

"Ah... I'm so sorry, this is my emergency phone. I have to take this. I'll be right back. Continue looking around if you want, but don't touch anything." And with that, she left us... alone. In a haunted house!

Tyler and Logan had their own conversation.

"Well, that's super professional."

"I-I don't think that's professional..."

"I was being sarcastic."


I quickly went next to Ashlyn to share my excitement with her. "We're alone, in a haunted house! Isn't that cool?! Do you think there are some ghosts here? This place is so old, there must be something. I should have brought my EMF reader that I bought for-" before I could continue, Tyler interrupted me.

"Ugh Y/N, this house isn't haunted,it's just a gimmick to attract visitors. So shut up," he said, annoyed.

I glared at him. "If I see some creature, I'll tell them to take you first."

"Tze," Tyler spat.

"Asshole," I whispered.

"I heard that!"

"As you should."

Unlike Tyler, Taylor seemed excited. "Eh, an emergency is an emergency. It'll be more fun to explore on our own anyway!"

We made our way through each room. Taylor and I led the way while the others trailed behind. There were some rooms with a creepy touch, but nothing too unnatural. Besides, my feet were starting to hurt,so later on I stayed at the back with Ashlyn, Aiden and Ben by my side.

"The halls are kinda scary. It's so empty. I hope I didn't waste my five dollars for nothing," I quietly said. Suddenly, I felt someone gripping my shoulders hard. "Boo."

"AHHHH!" My scream was so loud that Ashlyn covered her ears. Instinctively, I turned around and swung my fist. Aiden quickly let go of my shoulders just as my fist nearly made contact with his face. Thankfully, I realized it was him and managed to stop in time.

"Don't you dare do that EVER again," I said, my voice still trembling from the jump scare Aiden had just given me.

Aiden just laughed. "That punch would have been pretty hard, but I don't regret it, hehe."

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