Chapter 5

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Your prince in shining armor is
there,I'm going to ring now

Ok thanks for the saving

I pressed the doorbell, its chime echoing

*Ring Ring*

The voices from within grew louder as I waited for someone to answer. When the door creaked open, Mike's surprised expression greeted me.

"Y/n, what brings you here?"

"Didn't Ashlyn tell you? She invited me over for dinner after school. Am I interrupting something?"

I glanced inside, pretending I didn't know about the sudden visit of Aiden and Ben. Among them, I caught sight of a man with black hair and a woman with brown short waves. Were his parents here too?

"Y/n, you know you're always welcome here. We do have some visitors though, I hope that's alright with you.""Of course, it is," he held the door open for me, and all eyes turned in my direction as I entered. Making my way to the table where everyone sat, I noticed Ashlyn was missing.

"Hey Aiden, hey Ben."

"Hello, Y/n!" Aiden said while Ben again just waved.

"And you must be Aiden's parents, am I right?" I approached them to shake their hands. "I'm Y/n, Ashlyn and I are childhood friends. As I mentioned earlier, I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Of course not, dear," the brown-haired woman replied warmly.

Glancing at Aiden, I shot him a glare that clearly said 'what the heck' Of course, he had to come up with an ridiculous idea.

Before I could ask about where Ashlyn is,Emma leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Y/n, Ashlyn won't come out of the bathroom could you please get her." I smiled at her and nodded in understanding.

As I approached the bathroom door, I knocked gently.

"Ash, it's me. You can't stay in the-"She unlocked the door and stepped out, giving me an annoyed look, knowing we had to return to the table. "Come on, we'll do this together," I urged, trying to maintain a positive attitude.

She simply nodded, replying, "Better with you than alone." Her remark made me smile even wider.She wasn't good with showing emotions so that was definitely a compliment.

Returning to the lively chatter in the room, I found myself seated across from Ben, while Ashlyn sat next to her mother and exchanged glances with Aiden while the suspicion was growing in her.

I found myself drifting away from their conversation, but was quickly brought back to reality as Aidens's dad started speaking. "Aiden told us Ben,
him, Y/n, and your daughter have been fast friends and so we wanted to come introduce ourselves-"Ashlyn's parents
started coughing.

Aiden that liar.
Ashlyn and I looked at him while he just smiled like a devil...Is he serious?

"I was just saying that we're happy to see Aiden and Benny fitting in. We move around a lot so Aiden's always been homeschooled and even for Ben, it's been a while since he's gone to public school."

That must be the reason why Aiden is so hysterical to make friends.

Ashlyn's father smiled. "Oh that's exciting,are you guys having fun?"
Ben nodded and before Aiden could say something he gave Ashlyn an evil glare.

"Yep! Especially with the field trip. I'd
thought it'd be fun for Ashlyn and Y/n to come along too.Ben and I are going, as well."

That boy is the devil himself

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