Chapter 4

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"When it's your turn, state your first
and last name and say something about
yourself. As an example, I'll start us off. My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class. I look forward to being with you all!"
He wrote his name on the board with a blue marker.

After him it was Ashlyns turn,"Ashlyn Banner, I like dogs."

Aiden was next. "I'm Aiden Clark, I like
bungee jumping, skydiving, rock, water skiing-"

As the introductions continued around the room, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous when my turn came up. Taking a deep breath, I spoke up.

"I'm Y/n Y/l, and I'm the leader of the archery club. Feel free to visit us," I said, trying to sound confident despite feeling like my life was pretty ordinary.
I hope I didn't come across as too boring.

After me, it was Ben's turn, but since he was still asleep, Aiden quickly spoke up on his behalf.

Next up was the boy who looked like a shy puppy from before. "Hello, I-the-uh-Logan Fields. I mean, I'm Logan. I um, I enjoy astrology.", he stammered out nervously.

Then came the girl from the hallway. "I'm Taylor Hernández! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance," she said cheerfully.

Finally, the boy whose shoe had nearly Made me a head smaller spoke up.
"I'm Tyler Hernández. Yes, we're twins. I'm in the baseball club," he stated simply.

When the rest of the class introduced themselves I didn't really pay attention.

"Alright, now that introductions are done,let's talk about the semester-long group project! Today you'll be choosing your group partners for the project, and each group should consist of six to seven people each. Oh, and no one will be allowed to work alone. The rest of class will be about the project, so go ahead and sit wherever you want with your group for today."

As everyone else in the class began to stand up and organize themselves into groups, Ashlyn and I remained seated, uncertain about which group to join. Normally, we would work together as a duo, knowing each other's boundaries, weaknesses, and strengths inside out.

When me and my mom just moved in I was completely alone and I noticed ash was too.We were just two lonely girls who enjoyed each other's company. We were there for each other when needed.Since Mom was most of the time at work I spend a lot with the banners and spent my nights at their house.

But now, we need more than just each other's support.Whether Ashlyn liked it or not, we had to collaborate with others.

At the end we ended up with Aiden, Ashlyn, myself, Taylor, Tyler, Logan, and Ben sitting in a circle, ready to work together.

Our teacher explained more about the details."Our main focus this semester will be the history of Georgia's oldest city, Savannah. This is also what your project will be about and the topics you'll choose to present are stated in your rubric. Additionally, there is an overnight field trip to go along with the project! Of course, it's optional,however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade. If you are interested, the permission slips are on my desk and include everything you'll need to know. For the rest of the period, please choose what topic your group would like to present on. You've got twenty-five minutes so spend it wisely. Don't forget to have the slips signed and bring them back on Monday."

After exchanging numbers, Aiden created a group chat. Everyone took the permission slips for the upcoming field trip, except Ashlyn and Aiden noticed that.

"You're not going on the field trip?" Aiden asked."I'd rather stay home,"she replied, brushing past him without further explanation she just walked past him.Ben then joined Aiden's side.

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