Chapter 3

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2 weeks ago

As Ashlyn and I boarded the bus, I couldn't help but notice that the chatter was probably too loud for her sensitive ears. While the noise gave me a headache, it must have been ten times worse for her.

Behind our seats, two unfamiliar boys caught my attention. The blonde one was gazing out the window towards the bus graveyard, while the brown-haired boy attempted to coax him back into his seat.

Trying to blend in and avoid drawing attention, Ashlyn and I settled into our seats quietly. However, our attempts didn't last long.

Ashlyn made eye contact with the blonde boy, I couldn't resist stealing a glance at the brown-haired one. His eyes were a shade of brown tha- just then, he turned to me, catching me in the act.

Damn it, I cursed inwardly, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as I quickly averted my gaze back to Ashlyn, hoping he hadn't noticed my lingering stare.

Just as we began to relax, we were both startled by the blonde boy's appearance in front of us.


"GAAAH!" Ashlyn and I screamed in unsion. Reacting instinctively, I pushed his head back toward his own seat. "Personal space, dude?!"

He continued the conversation, seemingly unfazed by the jump scare he just gave us

"Is that your house? What's up with the whole bus graveyard thing?" he inquired.

"People died in those buses from crashes. After they got demolished, they ended up here. There are rumors that there are haunted souls at the graveyard," I simply lied.My voice trembling with fear. He grinned, seemingly liking the idea of the haunted place.

"Y/n is lying; it's just a junkyard with used buses," Ashlyn shattering my fabrication. I couldn't help but chuckle as the truth was revealed.

"That's it? Really? I was hoping for some kind of lore or paranormal jazz," he sighed, sinking into his seat. The idea of the buses being haunted would have been cool, I guess.

As the conversation quieted down, Ashlyn reached for her phone, hoping the blonde boy wouldn't start another conversation.

Poor Ashlyn, all she wanted was some peace.

"Anyway, I'm Aiden! And that's my cousin Ben. We just moved here a week or so ago from Virginia. Can't remember what town it was though. Oh hey, we live just a few houses down from you both! Since we live so close, we should all hang out often," Aiden introduced himself, while his cousin had his eyes closed.

"As Ashlyn said before, I'm Y/n. I've been living here since I was nine, so if you need any help getting around or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask." I replied, trying to be kind.

Good Y/n that's a good way to make friends

"Oh yes, later we need to pick up our schedules, so maybe you and your friend could show us where the principal's office is," Aiden suggested eagerly.

I accepted his offer, secretly knowing Ashlyn would definitely not be joining us. She would probably run away if given the chance.

I caught her glance at me, and I simply gave her an understanding nod. She knows I would never force her into a situation where she felt uncomfortable.

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