Prolog and mc background

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Lyraea Starweaver- Lyraea is an enigmatic and intense figure, commanding respect and inspiring awe. She's a natural leader, with a deep understanding of the shadows and the predators that lurk within. Her presence is both captivating and unnerving, as if she holds secrets and mysteries beyond mortal comprehension.

Lyraea's brown hair is now darker, black and her emerald eyes seem to gleam with an otherworldly light in the dark. Her skin has a pale, moonlit glow, and her features are sharper, more angular. She wears dark, flowing robes with intricate black lace, adorned with small, glinting silver stars and crescent moons.: As the Queen of the Night and Predators, Lyraea rules over the shadows, her power and influence extending to the creatures that roam the darkness. Her connection to the moon and the night sky is deep and mysterious, granting her abilities that border on the mystical.

(For more deatail about her other family go to Talissas book called  "In the stars {Kili fanfic}"

Now on to the prolog. ⏩️


'I swear if Gandalf called me off this really good paying job for nothing I'll pay for his head and kill him myself' I thought to myself. After traveling for a week to get to Bree, I was utterly exhausted and had no chance for his head now. By luck he might be here, but I highly doubt it. I arrived at the gate. "State your business and name please, good sir." 


 "Pardon me, mam." He responded, 'at least he's polite about it.'

"The names Umbra..." his eyes filled with terror, however I was used to it. "W-what's you business here my lady, if I m-might ask?" His voice wavered. "Don't worry sir, I'm not here on a job, I just need to enter for a friend." I smiled. His face softened. "H-have a good d-day." 

I walked, continuing on my way. Gandalf was waiting for me. "You're late my lady." Gandalf said sassily. "Well sometimes getting off a job is much harder than it looks." Gandalf smiled and patted my shoulder. "Why don't you go in first, so it's less shocking." I smirked at him. "The entry guy might say otherwise."

As I entered the pub, I noticed multiple things, one I was to be put on a quest with Thorin Oakenshield, and two, I was going on the quest with the guy I was hunting, who was about to be hunted by a duo of assassins. I whistled loud and short. 

The men looked at me and started walking over, "why hello there foxy" one said. I lifted my eyes. The other questioned, "and what might your name be miss?" I smirked. "What's funny?" I removed my hood. Their eyes showed recognition, "names Umbra, and I think you should go." They left quickly, bumping into my shoulder, hard, as they left.

I sat in front of Thorin. "You should stay away from public places, mellon. You are...not safe." He looked at me questioning me silently. I opened my mouth to speak, but Gandalf sat down. "I hope there wasn't too much trouble." He looked at me. I just sarcastically smiled. "Gandalf." Thorin finally spoke. 'His voice was smooth and velvety, I could listen to it more.' I thought. I was thinking of multiple things as we talked. I looked into the fire and zoned out. 

I was brought back by Gandalf, smacking my arm. "Hmm..." I said finishing my thoughts. I looked back at Gandalf. "Well, what were you going to tell Thorin before I sat down?" I looked between them. I placed a piece of parchment on the table. Gandalf read it. His eyes widening "no." I looked at Thorin. "What does it say?" He asked me. "You are being hunted, and there is a bounty on your head. I was offered a job, by a group of orcs that tried to steal from me" Gandalf smirked, "I bet they regretted that."

Thorin looked at me confused, "why, she's a woman what could she have done to them?" Gandalf and I gave him a look that could kill. He turned slightly red, but it could've been the fire light. "What? Most Dwarfadams can't use weapons or protect themselves. Aswell are usually the ones that cook, clean, and don't do jobs of labor." I scoffed. "Well not all master dwarf and I recommend you don't antagonize me." With that I turned to Gandalf "Well it has been a pleasure mellon, but I have a job to get back to. Is there anything else I should know?" Gandalf looked at me and nodded "meet us at Hobbiton to find a burglar. We will meet is 2 weeks time. Safe travels amica." Thorin quickly added on "I didn't even mean to offended you, but may I get your name?" I nodded "Lyraea, good bye Thorin" with that I left.

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