Hello kitty Pyjamas ♡

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(Note from author: Thank you very much to akianguy on instagram for letting me write this off of his art! I saw this art was very cute and I wanted to make a one shot off it! So thank you and all credits go to him!)

An's pov: I was on the couch chilling after school. It was raining. I sighed. I felt so lonely. Dad wasn't home today. So I was home alone.

I wanted company right now. I knew Toya and Kohane were busy. Mizuki was sick too... I have no one to- wait.... There's one more person... Akito...I got to my contacts and texted him.

The text:
An: "Hey Akito? You free tonight?"
Akito:"Yeah, why?"
An: "I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a sleepover. Can you?"
Akito: "Sure, why not?"
An: "Alrighty! Can you be there by seven?"
Akito: "Yeah, I'll be there. See you soon I guess"
An: "see ya!"

I was so excited! Akito said yes! Wait...why is my heart beating so fast all of a sudden...Akito's just a friend...He's just a friend...

(A few minutes later)

I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and opened the door. I saw Akito standing there almost drenched in rain. I giggled. "You're all wet! Get in here before you catch a cold!" I spoke.

He came inside and pulled his hood down. His hair was all wet and messy... He looked very handsome, I couldn't help but blush. He looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Thanks for letting me in. Where should I put my stuff?" He said. I pointed to the corner. "You can put them there for now!" I said. He went over and put his bag there.

I quickly went to the bathroom and grabbed him a towel. "Here you go!" I said handing him the towel. He took it and smiled. "Thanks An" he spoke to me.

He ruffled his hair with the towel. Water droplets went everywhere. I smiled. When he was done I told him something . "Hey Aki?" I spoke. He looked at me. "Yeah?" He said. "I got us something!" I said almost jumping . He looked surprised. "You did? What is it?" He asked. I ran to my room and brought out some pyjamas.

"Put this on!" I said with a smirk. He took the pyjamas out of my hand and went to their bathroom to change. I went to my room to get changed into my pyjamas.

(A few minutes later)

When he came out the bathroom his face was all flushed. "Seriously An... Hello kitty? Are you five or what?" He spoke looking annoyed. I smiled. "Aren't they cute? And look! We're matching! Isn't that cute?" I spoke.

He looked at me. "I guess so..." He looked at my hair. "Hey...you got pink bows...cute..." he whispered. I blushed. My pink bows cute!?!

"Wanna take a photo together?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. We got to my bathroom mirror and he pulled his phone out. He got the camera app and was ready to take the photo.

He wrapped his arm around me and smiled. I did so too. We took the photo and I smiled. "Can you send me it later?" I asked. He nodded.

(In bed. 11:36 pm.)

I got tucked in. I shoved myself under the covers as Akito later next to me. We watched this movie. It was horror. Akito laughed when a jumpscare came on the screen. I jumped in horror and hid under the covers. I shook in fear.

Akito noticed and paused the movie. "An? You okay?" He asked. He pulled the covers off me. I looked at him. Fear in my eyes. He smiled softly.

"It's okay...it's not real...it's fake...come here..." he spoke opening his arms for me. I shifted over in his arms. I laid on his chest. He stroked my hair.

"It's okay. We can watch a different movie alright?" He spoke. I nodded. He gently kissed my head.

End. Thank you for reading!

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