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“All BDSM has a dominant
and a submissive”

"I'm ready" I looked at myself in the mirror, fixing my glasses and putting on my earrings.  It is making me nervous as hell. I don't know if he will like me at all. Or he will reject me just because I'm boring and not attractive.  Or maybe because I never like to have control in relation. 

I remember when there was a girl who asked me out and I couldn't say no to her so we dated around for three months.  But she broke up with me saying I'm just so submissive and unromantic. I don't know why she called me submissive. I have built my body and have a good amount of muscle too. Maybe because I just never wanted to have control over someone. I actually liked it when someone took control of me.  I think I'm weird and forget about it.

"Mama, am I looking okay? '' he went down to show his outfit to his mother who was watching babyboss on the tv with his youngest son on her lap while others were in school or work. She looked up fondly admiring her eldest son. "Yes baby you are looking gorgeous." She said and opened her arms for a hug. He hugged her and she patted his back.  "Aren't you late koo hm?" And his eyes widened when he watched the time quickly gathering his wallet and phone, putting it in his pocket, kissing his mother's cheeks and his baby brother's forehead before dashing out of the house. 

"Shit shit I'm ruining my first date by gating late." He looked at the map and grabbed a cab showing the address and prayed that his date won't leave him because being late.  "Please hurry up I'm late" he heard himself saying it and the driver nodded looking at his panic state. After seven minutes he finally arrived at his destination.  He paid the driver thanking him and climbed out of the cab. 

He took a deep breath looking at himself one last time on his mobile screen.  "Okay good you got it jungkook" he encouraged himself before entering the cafè. The door opened and the bell jingle indicating his arrival. He looked around wanting to find his date. There were people here and there and there was one who caught his eyes.  Who is looking all so fine and ethereal sitting alone and looking down on his phone typing something.  His breath hitched in the back of his throat when the boy looked up towards him, locking their eyes.

The boy gives him an intimate look before the waiter approaches him.  "Sir take a seat you are standing in the middle" he told him politely. "Oh s-sorry I was looking for someone actually" he replied awkwardly. "Oh I got it. There is someone who told me if someone comes looking for him then I will send the person to him. Can I know the name of the person you are looking for?" Oh man holy shi- what was his name I forgot to ask papa. Now what do I do?! 

"I d-don't know his name" he replied "oh it's okay I think I met the person maybe he is the same you are looking for I'm assuming blind date right" waiter replied with a smile and he nodded his vigorously. "Yes it's a date thank you" he replied and the waiter told him to follow him.

His eyes widened when he saw where the waiter was leading him, that same boy who gave him an intimate look. Is he my date?  He looks scary but beautiful. I hope he is my date. "Here sir I brought someone, maybe he is the person you are looking for because he is also searching for a person but he doesn't know the name" the waiter announced to the other boy who looked up at them but mostly he was looking at jungkook.

Jungkook quickly looked down when he saw the boy staring at him the whole time.  “oh okay yeah maybe he is the same person thank you” he heard the boy saying in a deep velvety smooth voice which sent shivers down in his body. The waiter left him there standing. “Sit” the other said in a deep voice and more like command him and he quickly sat down.

“Kim taehyung” he said his name and he looked up dumbfoundedly before realising he should say his name too. “J-jungkook jeon jungkook”. “Son of jeon jun-seo right? '' the taehyung boy said, looking at him, folding his hand above his chest. “y-yes that's my father”.

“good I'm his friend's son and your date but you are late” he said looking straight towards him.  “I-i am sorry I didn't get hold of the time and got late,” jungkook said not so confidently. 

“It's okay but if we really end up together I know that I don't like people who come late”. And he nodded understanding it. “What would you like to drink?” Taehyung asked him and he quickly scanned the menu. “Ice latte”

Taehyung called the waiter “One ice latte and one bubble tea and a red velvet cake” he ordered for both of them and the waiter went back to bring their order.
“How old are you Jungkook?” Taehyung asked and he sighs in relief that he wouldn't be the one to start a conversation. “I'm twenty-one,” he replied with a  smile.

“I'm twenty-three and I work as a painter. What about you are you working or studying?” he asked again “I do work as a video editor and do it from home as an online job and no I'm not studying. I graduated from high-school and took a course for video editing and got a diploma and now I'm working” he replied proudly with his achievement. He loves his job because he is doing what he loves to do, not what he is forced to do.

“That's great I'm assuming you love your job” and he nodded with a big smile “of course I love it” the waiter came back with their order and placed it in front of them and left.

“What do you think about a stable relationship? Are you ready about settling down? I'm asking because you are still young, maybe you have other dreams to complete before completely settling down. And I won't like it if you are being forced. I want a happy partner who really wants to get married with his own will, not someone else's will ''Taehyung asked genuinely and jungkook smiled hearing his thoughts. He already likes the boy sitting in front of him. And he can see how thoughtful he is about the relationship.

Yes he just met him just half an hour or less ago but he already started liking him.  Yes he never thought he actually wanted to marry this early or have others' dreams to complete. He is happy about how his life is going now. He has a job he loves. He has his loving family and now he actually thinks about it. Yes, he wants to get settled down and have his own partner, his other part and complete his soul. He looked up and saw the boy in front of him waiting for his answer. And he said what his heart wanted to say.

“No, actually I'm not being forced at all. And yeah I never thought about settling down this early but I already had completed my dreams of what I wanted to do. And I wanted to become a video editor and now that's what I am. And I'm willing to find a partner  now because I never dated after I came out of the closet. And now I think about it yes I wanna settle down without being forced from anyone”

Taehyung hummed hearing his answer and sipped his tea. “It's actually good if you are not doing it for anyone else but yourself. And I'm happy that you already got your dream job. And I want to start a real relationship because I'm starting to take a liking to you” and jungkook actually blushed after hearing it. Then  they talked about here and there asking questions asking for others like and dislike and later exchanged numbers before separating their ways.

Yes that's what happened and taekook happened here. Now I gotta go back to my film I left yesterday watching it half. Maybe I should sleep tho. Byeeee. Happy purple day 💜💜💜 even it's passed the date now caz it's 1:40 am now.

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