
381 17 4

“BDSM is spontaneous and violent”

Jungkook's phone rang indicating the message arrived. He straightened his baby blue shirt and ripped jeans and looked at the mirror then opened the text app as if it were taehyung. "I'm here, come out now" he read it and pocketed the phone and his wallet.

"Mama he is here I'm going" he announced to his mother who was busy making lunch for her babies. "Okay be safe bunny. Have a nice date" his mother comes to him and gives him a big hug and kiss on his forehead. He smiled and kissed her cheeks too before going out.

"Wait wait horsie let me see him too" nari came running towards him and he stopped at the front door. "What about Lily and stop calling me horsie. I am human for fuck sake" he rolled his eyes. "Momma oppa cursed at me. He is being a bad brother" she said, poking her tongue. "Jeon jungkook" his mother warned, and he quickly apologized. "Sorry mama but she is making me late again"

He ran out of the house and he saw him standing in front of his SUV leaning back on the car door looking straight at him. He catches his breath and stands in front of him and he must say the boy is handsome and breathtaking. "Hi," he greeted with a small hand wave.

"Hello beauty. Shall we go" he asked with a deep voice and he nodded. "I like to hear the answers with words," he said and opened the car door for him. Jungkook got in and was going to put on his seatbelt when taehyung stopped him. "Let me" and he stopped his movement and his heart flattered when taehyung leaned down and put on his seatbelt and patted his hair. "Such a good boy".Taehyung went to the driver 's seat and buckled up and drove away from his house.

"How have you been?" Taehyung asked him while glancing at him. "Good I have been good. What about you" he asked, smiling softly. "I have been great too. Well thinking about you mostly. You are cute and stuck in my mind" and Jungkook felt himself blushed and tried to hide his blushing face and look away.

"Look here." and Jungkook looked up towards him. He didn't know what was in his voice that made him obey without any complaint. "Don't hide your pretty face from me" and Jungkook becomes the shade of deep red. "Cute"

"Why were you running from your house before and you were late again"

"Oh that well my sister she likes to pick fights with me always. And she stopped me again. She is a really good girl but she just likes to annoy me all the time. And that's why I was late. Sorry I won't be late again" jungkook looked up seeing him smile softly at him. "It's okay but make sure you won't be late next time. And about siblings yeah I know right they really like to annoy us. I have elder brother who always annoy me but we still love them"

"Yeah we love them" jungkook smiled thinking about his big family. They talk about getting to know each other more. The car stopped in front of the house and tae parked it. "We are here, '' Taehyung said and climbed out of the car and opened the door for jungkook. These small things made Jungkook's heart burst out of his chest.

"Thank you" he took a hand Taehyung offered him to come out of the car with red cheeks. "It's my pleasure beauty" Taehyung holds his hand in his big one and opens the front door of the house. He opened it wide for Jungkook and went after him. It's making Jungkook all giddy inside, loving all of it.

"Welcome to my home" he said, helping him to take his shoes off and putting them on the shoe rack. Jungkook looked around, the house wasn't big nor small. It was perfect for a family to live in "It's beautiful".

"We will look around the house but first let me give you something to drink while I prepare for lunch" he said and led him to the kitchen. Jungkook took a seat beside the counter and went to look for juice for him. Jungkook looked at him, seeing him focused on his work looking all so handsome.

"You are handsome" taehyung looked at him smiling wide and box shaped and then he realized he said it out loud. He looked down feeling shy and embarrassed. "Thank you beauty it's good to hear you think I'm handsome. But you know you are more gorgeous and cute" and Jungkook blushed again, hiding his face.

Tae placed the juice in front of him, taking his chin between his fingers. And lift his face looking directly in his eyes. "It's rude to look away when a person is talking to you. Are you a rude boy jungkook" he said looking deep inside his eyes and soul. Jungkook shook his head as no. "Tsk tsk tsk words jungkook words. Jeon jungkook really need to learns Manners and don't worry I will teach him"

"Sorry," Jungkook said, disappointed in himself. He didn't like it when he upset the older. Taehyung placed his thumb on his bottom lip and he unconsciously parted his and sucked on his thumb. "We will work on it but for now drink it before it gets warm" he took his thumb out of his mouth and licked it. Jungkook quickly nodded "okay hyung".

"That's the good boy" Taehyung patted his hair and leaned down and kissed his nose before leaving him all blushing and slightly aroused. He thanked god for stopping it before his thing stood up. He didn't know why this affected him so much. The way Taehyung is talking to him and telling him if he is a good boy or bad boy. The way his eyes look deep into his soul. The way his voice is when talking to him. It makes things to do with heart and body and he sure loves it.

Taehyung had prepared the main dish as steak with wine and fried rice with steam and sweet potato as a side dish. "Did you prepare it all hyung?" He asked, looking at Taehyung, who was seasoning the steak. “Yes bub I did it before picking you up. Just this steak is left then we eat”

"You are amazing hyung. I already can tell, it is amazing" he said, sipping his drink. "So you already know that you don't have to eat it. I will eat by myself, ''Taehyung said, looking up and laughing at Jungkook's face, who looked like a kicked puppy. "But I wanna eat the food. You can't make me starve." Jungkook pouted and tae giggled at him, placing the food on the plate.

Taehyung took his fingers in front of Jungkook's lips and Jungkook opened his mouth looking up at him. He slid his finger in his mouth and Jungkook started sucking on it. He loved the feeling of elder's finger in his mouth. Taehyung pulled back and cleaned his finger on younger cheeks and Jungkook whined from loss of contact. “You can eat all the lunch but it's yours I made it for you”.

I was going to write more in this chapter but it will be long so I stopped here. Maybe I will start writing the next chapter now and update twice if I can. But don't wait for it though. Did you like it?.

Facts : I got into kdrama first thro an Indian friend in 2016. Then later that year I got into K-Pop too. The first group I ever knew was got7.

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