i. yeah, you

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Lacy Grace Caldwell radiated warmth from an early age, her golden locks bouncing with each step as she navigated the hallways of her elementary school. It was in the fifth grade that she stumbled upon a scene that would shape a lifelong friendship.

 Peeking her bouncy blonde head around the corner she noticed two tall brunette boys tossing a powder blue lunch box back and forth over a short blonde boy's scruffy head. He jumped occasionally trying to snatch it, but due to the lack of height at the time, fuck you late puberty, he was unsuccessful.

"Guys c'mon just give it back," the blonde boy grumbled after his fourth jump attempt. The chuckles from the lankier boys carried across the halls. The "game" continued until the tall, more freckled boy halted with the lunchbox in his hand. He kept it high in the air, and unfortunately for the blonde boy, still out of his reach.

"Oh, um, hi Lacy," he spoke out of his newly rosy face.

You see, Lacy's magnetism started at the same age she began to smile. Girls wanted to be friends with her, boys wanted to be with her, and of course she was honored for the attention, but spending time with people who actually made her happy meant much more than a reputation.

"Hi James. Can we talk for a second?" The blonde chirped with a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah of course," he responded with long strides over to her, still carrying the powder blue bag, which resulted in the other two boys turning to watch the encounter.

"I seem to notice that you were keeping that boys lunch from him? Is that what's been going on?" She asked in a firm yet sweet tone, for only him to hear.

James stumbled over his words, attempting to justify their actions as harmless fun. "Oh, well no, I mean yes, I guess, kinda? It was just a fun prank though, he was having fun right?" he responds, turning to face the blonde with an innocent grin on his face. Lacy made eye contact with the boy, giving him a quizzical look that said more than words could have. He responded with a simple, "Fuck you".

Lacy nodded her delicate head. "Well it seems he isn't having fun anymore. Mind giving it back so we can head to lunch? It's taco day in the cafeteria, can't miss it yanno?" she countered with her head slightly tilted to the right as she glanced at the blonde boy whose eyes never left her.

With barely any hesitation James tossed the bag behind him. "Why don't you go to the cafeteria and save me a spot?" Lacy smiled.

"Sure thing! Connor let's go. Now."

The two boys began to book it to the cafeteria, slightly shoving each other to be one step ahead of the other. Boys, lacy thought to herself as she began swiftly walking towards the now abandoned blonde, who even she was an inch taller than at the time. She never let him live this down.

"You okay?' she asked him as blue eyes met blue eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, totally. Um, thank you for that. I coulda handled it but um, nice of you," he responds nodding.

"Mmm, I'm sure you could have," she smiled at him playfully, which he gladly returned. "I'm Lacy––".

"I know," he cut her off. "JJ", he responds while putting his hand out, not afraid of catching cooties that were currently spreading through the fifth grade. Lacy couldn't help but laugh at his boldness, her own hand meeting his in a firm shake. Before he was able to let go, Lacy began to move down the hallway pulling JJ behind her. "C'mon! Let's go eat in the classroom instead. Screw those guys". 

JJ couldn't help but marvel at the girl beside him, happily following along. And he's been following ever since.

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