v. wanna see me, and tell me all about her

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Lacy's heart raced as she made her escape, the sound of her own footsteps echoing in her ears as she hurried away from the Chateau. She felt a mix of relief and frustration swirling inside her, a tumultuous storm of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her fragile composure.

As she walked alone through the darkened streets of the Outer Banks, she couldn't shake the feeling of JJ's eyes burning into her back, his silent plea echoing in her mind. But try as she might, she couldn't bring herself to turn back, couldn't face the truth that lay waiting for her in his gaze.

She quickened her pace, her steps faltering as she fought to keep her emotions in check. But no matter how fast she walked, she couldn't outrun the turmoil raging inside her, couldn't escape the tangled web of feelings that threatened to consume her whole.

And as she reached the safety of her own doorstep, she knew that she couldn't keep running forever. Sooner or later, she would have to face the truth, would have to confront the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.

But for now, she pushed the thoughts aside, burying them deep within her heart as she slipped inside her house and closed the door behind her. She took a long, deep breath before sliding down the back of her now closed bedroom door. They had come so close. So close to breaking past the line they had drawn in the sand. A line that had been covered in sandy spots and nearly had come completely filled in.

Lacy pulled herself to her dresser, slipping her dress off and replacing it with an oversized UNC sweatshirt and gray shorts, before slipping herself into the silk covers. Her bed provided comfort to her confused mind. She tried to relive each word they both spoke, but due to the immense amount of beer she drank, it was a little more difficult than she originally planned.

What if. 

It was all Lacy could think. What if John B didn't barge into the house. What if she and JJ had shared a kiss. What if it was bad? More importantly, what if it was good? Where would they be now?

Lacy was snapped out of her thoughts by the vibration of her phone that she had tossed across the bed in her attempt to get changed. A photo of two blonde teens lighting up across the screen. Taken right after a sunset surfing session, Lacy had grabbed her phone to take a photo of herself standing in front the light pink sky over the ocean. JJ had come up behind her, arms tangling her waist as he pressed his cheek to hers, flashing a toothy smile.

It had been his contact photo ever since.


Meanwhile, back at the boneyard, JJ had tried to escape all of John B's pestering questions after Lacy had run out of the house.

"Seriously, man, nothing happened. We were just talking" JJ reiterated, his frustration palpable as he gestured emphatically with his hands, as if trying to physically ward off John B's doubts.

John B's skepticism remained unyielding. "Come on, JJ, I've known you since we were kids. I can tell when something's up," he persisted, his eyebrow arching in suspicion. "Your face was all red and shit, plus you basically had Lacy running for the hills!"

JJ's attempt to brush off the interrogation fell flat in the face of John B's unwavering scrutiny. "Look, she just had to go, okay? It's not like I was trying to mack with her or anything," he protested, his voice tinged with defensiveness.

A skeptical grunt escaped John B as he folded his arms across his chest. "Sure, man, whatever you say," he replied, unconvinced by JJ's assurances.

An exasperated sigh escaped JJ's lips as he gave John B a gentle shove, a futile attempt to halt the barrage of questions. "Just drop it, alright? I don't need this right now," he muttered, his frustration boiling over as he turned away, hands thrust deep into his pockets in search of solace.

The one thing about JJ, he had never been one to indulge in healthy habits. When he needed a distraction he tended to find it in three different ways. Beer, weed, and women. This repetition found itself whenever JJ's brain wouldn't be able to shake the thought of his blonde best friend. He knew that if his mind was fuzzy enough, the girl he would find himself wrapped in sheets with, would look enough like Lacy.

Since Lacy had run out 30 minutes ago, JJ had downed two more beers, lit a blunt, and was attempting to focus on the girl beside him at the fire. Her features blurred by the haze of intoxication, seemed to offer temporary reprieve from his turmoil. 

His charm was contagious. Wearing his classic smirk, the girl in front of him was falling for the rugged-haired blonde. Without knowing what was behind his intentions, nor caring, the two found themselves making their way to the spare bedroom in the Chateau.

With JJ's phone placed snuggly in his back pocket, he found himself sitting on the edge of the bed, door locked, with two thighs directly on either side of him. Clothing hit the floor as messy kisses were shared between the two drunken teenagers. But even as their kisses grew more fervent, their movements more frenzied, JJ couldn't shake the persistent ache in his chest. It wasn't her lips he craved, nor her touch he sought; it was the memory of another, the absence of a presence that haunted him.

Little did JJ know, the phone that spent most of its time turned off, saving his remaining limited data minutes to send Lacy a text or call to check in, would accidentally tap the only favorited contact in his calls.

Lacy Grace Caldwell.


"Hello?" Lacy's sweet voice greeted the call, a comforting sound like honey pouring from her lips.

But what followed shattered the tranquility of the moment. A mix of heavy breathing and grunts began to come through the line. "JJ are you okay?" she ventured, her concern palpable in the trembling of her voice.

Again, no response. The angelic girl found herself gaining a pang of fear in her bones, only for it to be crushed by the high voice of another woman moaning, harder.

A gasp escaped her lips as shock washed over, her hand flying to cover her mouth. She hastily fumbled to end the call, unable to bear another moment of the painful revelation.


They welled up in her eyes, a torrent of emotion threatening to overwhelm her.She buried her face in her pillow, a silent cascade of grief tracing her cheeks. Even the heavens seemed to weep alongside her, as rain pattered against the windows, mirroring the storm raging within her heart.

From an outsider's perspective, JJ Maybank was the quintessential playboy. His charismatic smile and easy charm made women swoon, and he indulged in countless one-night stands with locals and tourists alike. His friends, except for Lacy, understood the underlying reasons behind these fleeting encounters – mere distractions from the feelings brewing beneath his carefree facade.

Though Lacy was not blind to JJ's antics, she chose to overlook them, attributing them to the typical behavior of a teenage boy. Of course it was hard for her to know, but she tried her best to keep it out of sight out of mind. JJ never brought up names or details around her, solely focusing his attention on the blonde in front of him, who he had spent the previous night envisioning with his eyes shut, lip to lip with another woman.

But, hearing it first hand. Hearing the way his voice deepened, the way his breath hitched, the way he made her feel, was something Lacy could not handle.

An empty bed. 

That is what Lacy had to wake up to, with the weight of betrayal and heartache settled heavily upon her chest. The thought of JJ wrapped in someone else's arms churned her stomach more than the remnants of alcohol lingering on her breath.

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