iv. i'd be the best friend, that you'd fall in love with

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With Lacy's drink running on its last few sips, her hands are now engulfed by the new boy as he spins her around on the sand before helping her catch her balance

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With Lacy's drink running on its last few sips, her hands are now engulfed by the new boy as he spins her around on the sand before helping her catch her balance. She fails to notice a set of piercing blue eyes who have now latched onto the two teens dancing in the moonlight.

"Yo dude, who the fuck is that?" JJ jabs his elbow into Pope's side. Refusing to break his eye contact of Lacy and the mystery man.

"Ow man, couldn't you have just lightly —," he trails off when noticing what JJ had been referencing, "Oh, wait, I've got no clue," Pope responds while rubbing into his own side to ease the pain of where JJ had not-so-nicely jabbed him.

A few feet away, Carson leans down to whisper into Lacy's ear, to which she gives him a sly grin and a small head shake in response.

"Yeah, no. That is not happening," JJ states immediately after watching the interaction. Within seconds his spot on the tree trunk is vacant, taking long strides over towards his best friend who is currently drunkenly mesmerized by the newcomer.

"Hey, Lacy I'm gonna just snag you for a second," the blonde mumbles as he goes to reach for her elbow, not even bothering to spare a glance at the teen she was dancing with, but before he can reach her Carson spins her around another time.

"Sorry man, little busy over here," he responds with a smile at the girl then with challenging eyes sent towards the blonde intruder.

"Funny, she's with me. Lacy c'mon," JJ states firmly with a now unwavering eye contact to the new boy.

"What are you two dating or something?"

Lacy now finds herself in a spot that is directly in between the two boys. Waiting for a sign to jump either way. "Well, um, no, uh we aren't —-"

"It's none of your fucking business is it?" JJ cuts her off, blue eyes turning dark as he glowers them into the other boys.

Lacy could cut the tension with a knife. She knows she needs to pick which way she is going for the night, and who is she kidding, she would pick JJ any time. She spares a look over at him, his eyes pleading and begging her, choose me.

JJ would never be able to get over his best friend choosing a guy she met tonight over him. She then turns to the brunette, "I had fun tonight, thanks for the dance and well, welcome to the island!" She gives him a drunken grin before locking eyes with JJ and taking his hand to pull him away, leaving a now lonely Carson to watch as they scamper away.

The two teens walk hand in hand, leading away from the party and towards the Chateau. "JJ! You almost got into a fight on your birthday," Lacy laughs and gives him a playful swat on the arm, "What was that all about anyways?"

"That guy's a dick," JJ responds nonchalantly with a shrug.

"You don't even know his name," she rebuttals while opening the screen door and leading them to the kitchen, where she pushes herself up to sit on the counter. JJ stands a few feet away in front of her with his back against the fridge to lean against.

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