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Y/n and Mattheo are best friends and when Mattheo goes on a mission for his father Y/n can't sleep, so she decides to get up and wait for him.

Word Count: 754

I lay in my bed wide awake. I look at the time and see it's 2:36 in the morning. I haven't slept all night and I have no idea why.

Who am I kidding? I know exactly why I can't sleep. Mattheo's out on some "mission" for his dad and I'm so worried about him.

It's not your job to worry about him Y/n

No matter how much self talk I use I can't stop worrying. We've been nothing more than friends for years, but secretly I've always wanted more. We've held hands before but that's about it. We do flirt a lot. I think. Maybe I'm taking it for something else, but we are very touchy around each other.

So, instead of laying in my bed I decide to go to the common room for a change of scenery. (Or to wait for Mattheo either one is fine).

I'm walking down the stairs wrapped in my favorite fuzzy blanket when I realize I forgot my pillow, so I run back up the stairs to grab my pillow and on the way down I run into something and fall.

"Fuck", I say getting up quickly before anyone notices when I realize what I ran into wasn't a wall. It was Mattheo and he looks like he's been through some shit. But still he has that stupid smirk on his face.

"Whatcha doing out of bed at this time of night"

"I couldn't sleep", I say standing up by myself.

"Why not"

"I don't know", I say my voice going to a whisper.

"Well I guess I'll see you in the morning kid"

Kid. The nickname he has always used for me.

"Wait", he stops and turns around. "Are you okay, you look a little..."

"A little what?"

"A little rough", I cringe looking at a slash that hasn't been treated on his left arm.

"Yeah well", he scoffs "This is what I get for being the dark lords son I guess"

"Let me help you"

"Help me what?"

"Help you clean up. I am pretty good at healing spells if I do say so myself", I say wrapping my blanket around my body tighter.

"No you get to bed, kid"

"Stop calling me that"

"I'll stop calling you that when you grow up", he says nudging me a little.

"And I'll stop calling you a bitch when you stop acting like one"

"Seriously Y/n, go to bed we have classes tomorrow"

"Fine", I say turning into the direction of my dorm.

"Fine, you can help"

I turn around and skip towards Mattheo, grab his arm and take him into the bathroom of his dorm.

I roll up his sleeve to find more cuts and bruises. I mutter healing spells and it all starts to go away.

"Done.", I say putting my wand back in my shorts pocket. "Well I best get to bed", I sigh grabbing my blanket and pillow and heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?", Mattheo says leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom.

"Back to my dorm", I say with raised eyebrows.

"There is a perfectly good bed for you to sleep in right there. Enzo's out tonight"

"I guess...", I say putting my pillow down and throwing Enzo's on the floor.

"Okay goodnight", he says shutting off the lamp.

I wrap myself in my blanket and Enzo's comforter and try to sleep, but it's so hard when he's right over there.

"Y/n, are you awake?", he suddenly whispers.

"Yes", I whisper back.

"Can you please just get over here?"


"You heard me"

I smile. "I'm coming"

I slowly lower myself into his bed not knowing what he's going to do. Suddenly he grabs my waist pulling me closer into him.

"School starts in 4 hours", I whisper.

"Were you waiting for me?", he says totally out of context.

I decide to be bold and confirm that indeed I was waiting for him.

"Thanks for worrying about me"

"Of course", I mumble as I decide to be bold again and turn over to face him.

He then somehow pulls me even closer and I bury my face in his neck and fall into a deep sleep only to be woken up four hours later.

Any thoughts on the new cover???

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