Empty Promises

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Mattheo made a lot of promises to Y/n that he couldn't keep.

Word Count: 1013

"Y/n wake up"

I groan and sit up to look at the clock. 9:30 it's nine fucking thirty and he just woke me up.

"What do you want Draco?"

"I want you to come downstairs, everyone has been asking for you"

"Who's everyone?"

"You'll see"

I didn't even bother changing out of my spandex and oversized t shirt as I got up and walked downstairs to the dining room where I could hear voices.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up", Enzo greets me as I walk in.

"It's 9:30 leave the girl alone", Theo sticks up for me.

And then you have Mattheo not even greeting me at all. We kind of had a thing during the school year, but I haven't heard from him all summer and he doesn't even bother saying hi. He promised me he'd write.

"Guess who's joining you for the rest of the summer?", Theo says in a happy voice.

"Oh no", I say still rubbing my eyes since I just woke up.

"Us!", Enzo and Theo say in unison.

But Mattheo just stares and doesn't say anything. Annoying. Sometimes I want to rip his eyes out of his head.

I walk out of the dining room and run into Draco.

"How do you like your surprise?"

"I love it except for..."

"Except for what?"

"Mattheo? Seriously?"

"I thought you guys were on good terms before school ended. You guys still seemed very close", Draco says confused.

"We were. Well atleast on as good as terms you can have with Mattheo Riddle"

"Okay so what's the problem then?", he questions.

"I haven't heard from him since school ended. He didn't even say hi."

"Sorry", Draco cringes.

"It's fine it's just awkward", I say not trying to make him feel bad.

I then walk back upstairs to go back to bed because I'm still tired. I wake up to a knock on my door.

I looked at my clock and it was 2 in the afternoon, so now I was fully rested.

"Who is it?", I say in a sing songy voice.


My mood immediately changed. "Come in", I say in a dark tone.

"Y/n please I can tell your mad"

"Why would I be", I say with a monotone voice.

"Listen I have a reason", he says throwing his hands up.

"A reason for what?", I say still acting oblivious.

"I didn't write because I had some stuff going on that you didn't need to be involved in", he says sitting at the edge of my bed and looking at me.

"I told you before we left Hogwarts that I didn't care about that stuff Mattheo", I say not being able to act anymore.

"I know you did, but I can't put you in danger just for being associated with me"

"So what are you saying?", I say my voice breaking.

"I'm saying that if there is going to be a war you can't be with me at all"

"Why? Why are you doing this?", I say tears streaming down my face. "You promised me that this wouldn't get between us. That you wouldn't let your dad determine who you love"

"Y/n I'm sorry-

"Just get out", I say pointing to the door.

He gets up takes one last look at me with eyes full of sorrow and shuts the door and leaves.

I finally get dressed for the day and decide to go outside to clear my head. I sit with my back up against a tree reading when I look up and Theodore is coming to sit by me.

"Hey", he says.

"Hi", I say continuing to read.

"Mattheo told me what happened", he says sitting down by me.

"Yeah", I sigh shutting my book and laying it down next to me.

"He wanted me to tell you that he loves you and that once the war is over he's going to come back for you"

"Why couldn't he have said that to me himself", I say.

"I don't know he told me to tell you that and then he left"

I sigh and turn to face Theo. "Another empty promise"

"Y/n he sounded pretty serious"

"He also sounded serious when he told me he'd write to me at school and when he promised me that he wouldn't let his dad get in the way of things", I say trying not to break down again.

"I'm sorry", he says and we sit there in comfortable silence for a couple of more minutes before we had to go inside for dinner.

In the following months no one had seem to have heard from Mattheo. So, I tried to forget about him, but he was always there in the back of my mind.

"Y/N", Theo yelled to me over the raging battle. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE".

I could hear the killing curse being thrown around by the death eaters. I run until I can't stop and wind up in an empty hallway. Or so I thought. I start running again to get further away from the battle when I see someone at the end of the hall. My breathing stops. The person turns around to face me. And it's him. He could kill me right now. He knows I'm not on his side. But instead we make eye contact and he nods his head in acknowledgment. For a second I could see a glimmer in his eyes. I snap out of my trance to see him running down the hallways and back into the battle.

I come back just in time to see the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. I can't help but wonder what Mattheo will do after this will he keep his promise or not?

Harry kills Voldemort and everyone is crying over their loved ones dead bodies or healing the injured but me. I'm still waiting for him.

Turns out it was just another empty promise.

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