Can't Sleep

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When Y/n can't sleep she decides to go to Mattheo's dorm to see if she can catch some z's.

Word Count: 457

I've been up all night and I don't know why. I just can't seem to fall asleep. I can't get comfortable. So, that's why I'm standing outside of Mattheo's dorm trying to give myself enough confidence to open the door. When I got confident enough I open the door and the only sound you can hear is the fan.

"Mattheo!", I whisper shout. No response.


"Y/n?", he finally wakes up. "What are you doing? What's wrong?"

"I couldn't sleep", I say realizing how silly it sounds. "I don't know what I'm doing here I'll just go back to my dorm"

"Just get over here", he says and I stop before I touch the doorknob. I climb into his bed leaving as much space between us as I can. Suddenly, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him and I finally get comfortable.

——Time Skip——

"Riddle, what the fuck?!?"

"Theo, shhhhh she's sleeping"

"You guys didn't fuck did you?"

"Theo! We didn't do anything. She just couldn't sleep"

I wake up to this shouting and feel Mattheo sit up next to me. Without even opening my eyes I grab his neck and pull him back down.

"Seems like she wants to sleep longer", Theo says and I hear footsteps and a door shutting. I feel Mattheo sigh next to me and he wraps his arms around me again.

I fall back asleep and wake up again to someone gently shaking me.

"Y/n, sorry it's time to get up"

I wake up and see Mattheo his hair messy his eyes barely open.

"No", I whine grabbing him and pulling him back down next to me.

"Come on", he says standing up. He's shirtless and wearing green plaid pajama pants. I roll over, so I'm not facing him and he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Are awake yet?", he asks laughing.

"Yes!", I groan "now put me down"

"Only if you promise not to go back to bed"

"I promise"

"Promise what?"

"I promise not to get back into bed!", I shout.

He puts me down on my feet and I glare up at him.

"Your being very ungrateful when I literally let you sleep in my bed last night"

"Okay, I'm sorry", I say sitting down on his bed.

"Apology accepted", he says as he sits down next to me and pulls me onto his lap.

"I should probably go", I say my voice muffled by his chest.

"Okay", he sighs. "Same time, same place tonight?"

"Yep", I grin as I walk out still in my pajamas.

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