E35 - Ain't Broke

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The Okoyes were living by the motto "ain't broke, don't fix it" - and we're not talking about their car! Mrs. Okoye, the practical one, was trying to convince the family to stick with their trusty old ways.

Chidi, the sarcastic one, was like, "Yeah, because using a VHS player and a flip phone is totally normal in this day and age."

Nneoma, the voice of reason, was all, "Mom, we love you, but maybe it's time to upgrade our tech...and our wardrobe...and our music taste."

Obinna, the little troublemaker, was excitedly suggesting, "Can we at least get a cassette player? I wanna make some sick mixtapes!"

Mr. Okoye, the playful dad, was like, "Ah, come on! If it ain't broke, don't fix it...unless it's the kitchen sink, then we should probably call a plumber."

As they debated the merits of modernizing, the Okoyes learned that sometimes you need to embrace change (and new technology!) to avoid getting left in the dust. And Mrs. Okoye? Well, she learned to always keep an open mind...and a spare VHS tape, just in case!

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