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Lucy and Tim are not dating in this chapter. Lucy is already a P2

Lucy: POV
Sinds I was a little girl i had diabetes type 1. I learned to live with it but my parents didn't like it. They said it cost to mutch money for them to pay for. So i took a job when i was just 10 years old at a supermarket. I didn't enjoy it but i had to do it to survive. Now I'm older en can provide for it myself. No one at Mid-Wilshere knows about my diabetes except grey, but that is because it's in my personal file. I didn't want people to know that I have it, with the fear that they find it weird and are going to treat me differently than other people.

This morning before I got to work I checked my blood sugar and it was 7.8 so it was normal. I arrived at the station and I'm going to the locker room. In feel a bit dizzy but shrug it off. I change in my uniform and now I'm on my way to roll call. I sit down next to Nolan and make small talk with him. I still feel a bit dizzy but let it slight again. I think Nolan thinks something is rong because he is asking a lot of questions. Then Grey and Tim come in and start with roll call. My hands begin to sweat a little and I am seeing little black spots. Grey and Tim are done with their speech and everybody leaves. I stay seated because I know if I'm going to stand I faint. I look beside me and see Nolan stand up. I see his lips move but I can't hear him. Everything is now fuzzy and I feel dizzier than before. I try to stand up but in an instant the only thing I see is black and I feel my body collapse on the floor. Everything is dark and I hear nothing anymore.

Nolan pov:
I was sitting next to Lucy at roll call. She looked a little pale and wasn't talking to me as much as normal. I became to worry a little bit. After roll call everyone left but Lucy stayed seated. Her face was know paler then before. I asked if she was oké but she didn't give me an answer. After that she tried to stand up but I saw here is roll back and she collapsed on the floor. 'Lucy!' I yelled. Now I had Bradford and Grey's attention also. I immediately checked if she was breathing and yes she was. I rolled her onto her side so she was stable for know. In the meen time Grey and Bradford rushed to me and Lucy. 'Call 911' I said to Grey.

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