Married and Kids

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Lucy POV:

Me and Tim met at a coffee shop in LA. i was still in collage, but he was at the police academy. we dated for a wile and then we got married. my parent didn't approve this and wanted nothing to do with me anymore. after a couple month that we got married i became pregnant and that were twins. there names are Anna and Hailey and there both 15 years old. if i have to pick is Hailey the smarter one. she always knows what is going on and has everything onder control. Anna is the absolute the apposite of Hailey her room is always messy and she never knows what is going on. We live in a pretty big house, it has 8 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms a very big livingroom a pool and a basement for the kids. we also have a very big backyard. in there is a trampoline for the kids, because they both do gymnastics at a very high level. I almost forgot, but we also have a dog his name is Kojo and the twins always argue who is going to take him on a walk. i now work as a police officer and have my detectives exam in a few weeks. Tim is a sergeant at the same station. our colleges don't know that were married and have 2 kids. we never told then for the safety of our daughters only Grey knows.

It was a normal Monday morning. i dropped the kids off at school and went to work. Tim and i switch constantly with who drops the kids at school, because we don't drive together to work. I went to the looker room and change in my uniform and went to Roll call. i maid small talk with Aaron until roll call began. 'oke everybody settle down, so night shift did there job finally and you all know what that means. so to the point i want Thorsen riding solo, Nolan with Juarez an Lucy you're with Tim. everybody have a save shift.' Grey said to us. i looked at Tim and smiled a little. i normally don't drive with him so this is going to be fun. 'what did you do?' Aaron asked me. 'nothing' i said to him. 'why' 'you know why, normally when sergeant Bradford rides with someone other then me there is something wrong.' he said to me. 'oke I'm going to get to the bottom of this.' i said to him. i laughed in myself, because Tim probably wanted to spent time together and this is one of the best ways to do that.

I got are gear and was on my way to the schop. when i got there i put the war bags in the truck and met Tim there. 'He so do you mind if i ride today?' he asked me. 'why do you even ask you're the sergeant remember' i said to him. 'oke you're right but i still want your opinion.' 'i really don't mind today I'm already happy that I'm riding with you today' i said to him. 'oke' he said and got into the drivers side of the car. i followed and got into the passenger side.

We were patrolling around the neighborhood when we got a call. 7 - Adam - 100 possible 123 at 4567 avenue. I looked at Tim and answered. 7 - Adam - 100 copied and on rout. It's a call about a possible kidnapping so Tim speeds to the address, but he stopt the light and sirens 2 blocks before so that it's a surprise that we are coming. When we get there we get out the car an walk to the house. before we get to the house we hear gunshots coming from the house. Tim called it in immediately 7 - Adam - 100 we heard gunshots need back-up immediately me and my partner are going in. 7- Adam - 100 copie  that back-up 5 minutes away.

We slowly walk up to the house. we finally get to the house and Tim yelled: 'LAPD open up' 'Tim look at the door' there was blood on the doorknob. this is our sign that we can enter the house. we slowly walk in. we hear voices, but there faint. Tim signals to me that he is going to the kitchen and I'm going to clear the living room. i nod to him and we go our separate ways. i go into the living room, but find nobody. i heard something behind me so i turn around. There is now a man standing for me with a gun in his hand. he points it at me and before i can do anything, before i can even think he shoots me right in the chest. i fall to the ground and try to reach for my radio. 'i....I've.....b..been...shot' i say. i try to catch my breath , but its so hard and i getting really tired.

I see Tim run to me as i see behind him back-up has arrived. 'Lucy!' he yelled. he puts his hands on my chest to try and stop the bleeding. the bullet went through my vast. '...i..' i try to talk, nut its just so exhausting. 'Tim..' i say to him as i'm beginning to see dark spots. 'no you tell the girls yourself.' i see Tim look around and he yells. 'Where is that ambulance' that is the last thing i hear before everything goes black.

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