Diabetic 2

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POV Tim:
'Lucy!' I yelled as I saw her faint on the floor. I ran to her luckily Nolan was beside her already. Grey was calling an ambulance en No,an and I were figuring out what just happened. 'What happened Nolan' I asked him. 'She looked kinda pale when she got to roll call so I asked if she was oké, but we al know Lucy and she told me she was just fine. Except the hole time she stared into space and when you and Grey were finished she just stood up and fainted.' He said to me. 'Oké thanks, do we know if she got any medical history.' I asked wile I looked at Grey. 'I don't know' he answered me. In the meantime Angela and Harper were joining us. Angela said: ' I will go look it up at her file.' ' thanks' I said. The paramedics where here and Bailey was one of then. 'He guys what happened?' she asked. 'We think she fainted' I said to her. Before Bailey could say something Angela came running to us 'she is diabetic type 1!' She said.

'That's good to know' Bailey said and asked her partner to check her bloodsucker. ' oké her bloodsucker is way to high so I'm going to give her some insulin and hopefully she wakes up then. Bailey put an IV in Lucy's arm and injected some insulin.

Lucy POV:
I could feel something cold in my arm and began to wake up. First I didn't know where I was, but then I realized I was on the ground in roll call. Beside stood Tim, Nolan and Bailey. 'What happened?' I asked. 'You passed out Lucy, your bloodsucker was way too high.' Bailey then said to me. 'Ohh, yeah that happens sometimes' I said. 'Lucy that not good for you.' 'I know, but I get distracted easily so I just forget to test.' 'Oké from know on try to test more frequently in that way this wouldn't happen very easily oké' Bailey said to me. But why didn't you say that you're diabetic Lucy?' Tim asked. I just didn't want people to treat me different I hate that.' I said back looking at the ground. 'Lucy it's oké nobody will just you can't help it oke' Tim said to me. 'Oke' I answer. So Lucy I think the best for you know is just to go home and take some rest, but you can work tomorrow that no problem. I just don't want you to drive oke.' 'Oke but someone has to bring me home than.' I said. 'I will do that' Tim said. 'Thank you' he then helped me up and got me home. I slept most of the day and the next day I just went to work as normal, but checked my sucker more frequently and I wasn't ashamed for it.


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