Sick Tim

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Lucy and Tim are married and live together. Tim is also a sergeant and Lucy a P2

Tim pov:
I've been feeling sick the hole day. I have this massive headache that won't go away and I'm very nauseous. It's getting exhausting. I'm riding solo today so luckily I don't have to talk to my colleges. I was just patrolling when my radio was going off '7-Adam-100 shots fired at 123456 Avenue'. I said back ' 7- Adam - 100 responding.' I put the light and sirens and was on my way. When I got there the situation was already onder control. Angela came to me and explained what happend. I felt more nauseous then before and my hands began to sweet. I was trying to shake away the feeling,  it it didn't work. Then I saw a bush and tru up in it. Angela came running to my side. 'Are you oké, are you sick.' She asked. 'No im not sick it's just stress I think, but please don't tell Lucy. She will worry to much.' I said to her. 'You know I can try to keep your secret but I can't promise anything, because I'm not coming to lie to her if she's asking about you'. 'Oké fine' i told Angela.

My shift was now over and I had change into my street clothes. I was waiting for Lucy so we could ride home together. I saw her walking out of the women's changing room so I smiled at her. 'He how was your day' I asked her. 'Ugg it was so boring the only exiting call I had was een burglary and even that was boring we did catch the guy tho.' She said. 'How was your day'. 'It was also boring' I said to her not wanting to know I still didn't feel goed. 'I'm very tired tho' I said. 'Ye me to, should we order take out the?.' She asked me. Only by the thought of food I could puke. 'Uhh yeah great idea you should pick tho I'm not very hungry.' I said to her. 'Oké' she said.

Lucy pov:
When we got home I decide to order chines. I love that stuff and Tim does to so I thought win win situation. We were sitting on the cough watching top chef and eating. I was almost done but Tim didn't eat a thing and was very quiet. After a wile I looked at him and he was asleep on the couch. The time read 12pm so I woke Tim up so he could sleep in bed and not on the hard couch. 'Tim you have to wake up it's almost 12pm and you don't want a sore back tomorrow so get up and go lay in the bed.' I said in a very very nice tone.

Tim pov:
Ughh I was laying so nice on the couch and know Lucy woke me up, but now my nausea was kind of over but my headache was worse. I stood up and walked to the bed Lucy right behind me of course. We both got under the covers and said goodnight to each other and I immediately fell asleep. After a couple hours I felt my stomach turn and I sprinted to the toilet. I needled I front of the toilet and felt to my knees. I tried to not make a lot of noise so I didn't wake up Lucy and would worry to much, conclusions I filled. I felt a warm hand on my back rubbing circles. ' It's oké let it all out' she said in a calm tone. I picked everything out from that day which wasn't much, but it was something. I sat back on the floor and to cry. 'I am sorry Luce, i didn't want to wake you. I'm so sorry.' I said to her crying. 'Tim' she said. I didn't dare to look at here I felt so sorry. 'Tim please look at me.' I looked op at het and saw her beautiful face. 'Tim how long have you felt sick for.' She asked. ' ehh the hole day' I answered 'Tim it's oké to be sick. But you have to tell me because I want to be there for you when you feel down.' She said. 'Oké Luce next time I will say to you when I feel down.' I said to her now thinking why I wouldn't in the first place she is my wife. 'Thank you, but first let you get back to bed. It's there a hole lot warmer then here on the floor' she said laughing a bit. 'And you know what tomorrow morning I will call grey and tell that you're sick and I need to take care of you.' 'But' I said to her. 'Uh uh no but I'm going to do that and you are just going to rest and feel better.' She said and gave me a kiss on my forehead. 'Goodnight' I said. 'Goodnight' she said back and we both fell asleep.

The next morning Lucy called grey and told him the situation and Tim rested until he felled better. After a couple days they went back to work.


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