The break-up

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Lucy POV:
I just stood there as I see Tim walk away. He said that xi deserved better than him, but i want him. I feel the tears in my eyes. I quickly get into my car before anyone could see me. Am I not good enough for him, did I something wrong? I'm so confused wright know. I started my car en begin to drive home. I unlock the door, take my shoes off and go to sit on the couch. Tamara heard the commotion from the door and comes in the living room. 'He how was your day?' She thanked asked. I looked at her with the tears in my eyes. ' What happend' she asked. ' Tim broke up with me.' I said to her. 'What how could he, nut anyway you deserve much better than Tim.' She said what mead me smile. 'Thanks Tam that means a lot to me, but I think I'm just going to bed I'm exhausted.' I said to her. 'Oké goodnight' 'Goodnight Tam'. I walked to my bedroom, change in my PJ and went to bed.

The next morning I wake up to my beeping alarm. I don't want to get, because getting up memes go to work and see Tim. I really really don't want to see Tim. After a couple minutes I get out off bed, I get into the shower and wash myself. After I showered I look into the mirror and I start thinking wile looking at my body. Maybe Tim doesn't want me because I'm fat. I started to walk back to my bedroom to get dressed. I know Tamara isn't here she had an early class she had to go to. Currently I am residing what to wear. I chose a black shirt with jeans. I walk to the kitchen to get something to eat, but I remember maybe Tim will like me if I loose a couple weight. So i decided to skip breakfast and just to go to work.

A few weeks later.
It's been a few weeks sinds Tim and I broke up. I'm starting to loose weight and I'm beginning to be happy again. Normally I skip breakfast and dinner, but eat lunch with my colleagues so that they don't suspect a thing. But today I decided to not eat anything. So I skip breakfast and go to work. It's now around lunchtime and I don't have any appetite. I meet Aaron, Celina and John at our usual lunch spot. 'Guys what do you want it's on me today.' John said. Arron and Celina gave John there order. 'Lucy what do you want?' John asked then. 'I don't want any my stomach is bothering me a little bit.' I lied to John. John got all the orders and everyone ate their lunch. The day was now over and I was riding back to the station. I went to get change, but felt a little bit dizzy. I was just coming out of the locker room when my vision became blurry. I grabt the nearest thing beside what I think was a table. Next to me I saw someone I think it was Angela she was asking me something but I could hear it because now my hearing was fuzzy. I tried to walk again to get out of the station to my car, but before I could even take a step I could feel my body falling and my fission became black.

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