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⇝ ⇝ ⇝ Felix shook his head quickly, he focused on boiling some water to put in the pot. As I watched him, I noticed that his brows were tightly knit together, forming deep furrows on his forehead. His face was etched with a look of concentration as if he was fully immersed in his head. It was almost as if he was trying to excavate the right words from the depths of his mind, a task that was proving to be quite challenging.

"Truly Felix, no one should have to see that," I almost whispered, "I was trying to do it quietly,"

"Hmm," He hummed, "I heard him shout so I thought I should check out whoever it was,"

I sighed - despite my warning to the members about not engaging in outside activities alone or at night, it seemed some of them were too kind for their own good. I couldn't warn them against their kindness, but I would have to warn them about approaching others who they don't know, or any weird signs they might see, hear or smell. Even the little things that might seem easy to forget.

It is highly probable that their apartment could be at risk of a targeted attack if the attackers have acquired their personal information and are aware of the address. In the next few nights, if the attacks persist then I would most likely have to stay awake all day to protect their apartment. I had no additional info on any of the cyber attackers since I got here which is worrying. Perhaps I will make a call to London.

"If you hear anything outside of your apartment, I'd advise hiding rather than being curious," I told him softly, aware that other members were most likely sleeping.

"I understand," Felix nodded as he poured 2 packs of ramen into the pot of boiling water, "So, was he just going to break in?"

I looked at the unconscious man blocked between the door, his body lay completely still, unrecovering from my attack to his temple. His intention isn't clear yet, I had no doubt he was part of that group targeting them on the dark web, but his intention is still not clear to me. If anyone on the dark web wanted to murder them, I should've got a call. Perhaps some people are working alone and getting too bold.

"Not sure, there's a good chance he wasn't here to murder you," I said, "His lack of weapons are proof,"

"God, could you be any more blunt..." Felix said exasperated, perhaps my experience of all this has made me blunt about the trauma.

"Sorry," I apologised, "I forgot you're normal people,"

"Normal people? In what sense?" He asked as we waited for the ramen to cook.

"I mean, I know you're like...celebrities but you're still normal," I said to him, I was trying to say his life didn't revolve around trying to survive or secrets. I was trying to say he hadn't been tarnished by trauma or war. He had his mind in tact.

"And, you're not?" He asked and I looked down at my clothes, my casual clothes where this is the first time since arriving I've put them on.

"Would you say I am?" I asked him, and we made eye contact before his eyes trailed down my body.

"Yeah, you look pretty normal," He said and I let out a 'tsskk'.

If only I could be normal, I think it's almost a dream of mine to be a normal person. I had the money to afford early retirement that's how much government-employed snipers earn each mission. I have been fantasizing about living in a peaceful and serene place in the future.

Somewhere where I can enjoy some tranquillity. Additionally, I would love to live somewhere warm where I can revel in the sunshine. However, it seems challenging to envision this lifestyle as I have been engrossed in my current career for almost a decade now. Despite my longing for a change, my job has become a significant part of my identity, and the thought of leaving it all behind is almost...frightening.

A Bullet to the Heart, ₗₑₑ FₑₗᵢₓWhere stories live. Discover now