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⇝ ⇝ ⇝ "Steeleye, it's okay. Sometimes we need to make our own decisions-"

I jolted awake in fright, a pale hand sat on my shoulder. My brain was foggy from the recurring nightmare, but Felix's worried expression made reality seep in. It was just a dream, a scary one, but a dream nonetheless. I sat up as Felix placed some water in front of me. Clearly, I ended up falling asleep but nothing had happened.

By the members' normal routine, Chan and Minho made breakfast together while others were cleaning up and getting dressed. I had guessed they all slept soundly and didn't wake up for any threat made against them. Some part of me felt bad for falling asleep, but this has always been the hardest part of the job - trying not to fall asleep. Usually, when I'm with the squadron, we take turns in 2-hour rotations.

I thanked Felix but stood up and walked to Chan, I got his attention as he was helping plate all the pancakes he made with Minho.

"Chris, can you tell them about the situation? You guys should prepare to move your things in the next few days,"

He nodded, "Are you staying for breakfast?"

My eyes moved towards the couch where I had spent the night, and there sat Felix, wrapped in a warm blanket that was draped around his shoulders. His eyes were fixed on me, and I knew he was waiting for me to say something. It was a peaceful morning, but the tension in the air was palpable.

"No, I'll head home and get ready for the day," I said to him and he nodded again.

I didn't bother with goodbyes - none of the Korean members had made any type of progress in approaching me or speaking to me which I was fine with but saying goodbye to two members only, felt like favouritism. Although communication was easier with the Australian members, I didn't want the other members to think I wouldn't protect them if something were to happen.

When I got back to my apartment, I put my gun away and got ready in my uniform and bulletproof vest. After wearing normal clothes all night, my protective gear felt heavier than anything. 

A taste of normalcy last night, eating ramen and talking felt so nice. I had been so engrossed in my life as a sniper, carrying out missions that most people would consider dangerous, that I had almost forgotten what it was like to engage in everyday activities with ordinary people. The idea of spending a leisurely day out with friends, indulging in small talk, and not worrying about the next mission seemed foreign to me. But now, I realize how much I missed it. It's a refreshing change from the adrenaline-fueled lifestyle I had been leading. 

After getting dressed, and checking my weapons, I wait outside their apartment with the driver that escorts them to the JYPE building. The members eventually came outside and climbed into the van, and I followed. The journeys to and from the JYPE building were becoming less tense now and the members made conversation with each other in Korean comfortably. It was like I wasn't there, which I essentially how I wanted it.

Once there, I went my separate way and did my normal routine here. Checking windows, blind spots, rooftops. All were good today. Speaking of good news, my phone call to Alissa in SIS MI6 yesterday gave me some news. The dark web group targeting Stray Kids announced they were moving on from the apartment attacks due to my interference. They knew the group had protection, but they had no clue we were onto them, watching their every move on the dark web.

There was no update about any other attacks but I felt I could relax a bit more knowing they weren't going to target the apartment anymore. I decided I wasn't going to tell Stray Kids the news because moving them somewhere new would still be the safest option for them. The next thing to think about is where they might target next.

"Steeleye!" I heard a voice down the corridor, the CEO himself was waving his hand and getting my attention.

"Sir, how can I help?"

"We have some new schedules for the next few weeks, I was wondering how you're going to keep everyone safe if they have different schedules?"

"Different schedules?" I asked, now this was not in the job report. I sighed.

"Some of the Stray Kids members are ambassadors you see, they model a lot," He said, "Felix is due for a special event with Louis Vuitton for the next few weeks,"

"Louis Vuitton?" I questioned, "Right, yeah well, I'll talk to some Korean SEALS and talk about how we can cover all the members,"

"I see, I hope everything can get sorted, please keep me updated," He smiled and patted my shoulder lightly.

"Will do sir,"

He walked away and I walked to the practice room - surprisingly, it was quiet inside. I frowned and went inside to find it empty, the feeling of an unshakable sense of emptiness surrounding me. Had something happened to them? 

It was usually bustling with dancing boys but now it was devoid of any human presence. Even the temperature of the room was cold, it made goose bumps appear on my arms under my uniform.

I ran out of the room and down the corridor, did something happen to them? There's no way someone could have been planted in their room waiting for them. I ran around, dodging other people walking around, trying to spot if anyone suspicious was walking around. Unconsciously, I brought my gun out of its holster and swept through each floor in a rush.

Someone had got them. Someone had snuck into the building.

I paused for a second, thinking of anything I could do. Cameras, they have to be installed. I can go talk to the CEO. I made my way back to the 5th floor of the building, doing one final sweep of each floor on my way up.

"Steeleye?" I heard a voice I had been itching to hear all day.

I turned to the voice. A face full of confusion but a smile on his face regardless. He walked towards me, through some sunlight and his skin started to shine. As I gazed upon him, I couldn't help but notice how his freckles seemed to have multiplied and become more vibrant than ever before. His cheekbones caught the light in such a way that they appeared to be sparkling like specks of glitter. The combination of these two features left me in awe, as he looked so stunningly beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off him.

It was a confusing and unsettling realization. I never thought I would find him attractive, let alone beautiful. It felt wrong and out of place like I was going against my own beliefs and values. I couldn't make sense of it and it left me feeling uncertain and vulnerable.

"Where did everyone go? I was looking everywhere," I said, to get those thoughts out of my head.

"We're in the recording studio today, I was just going to get some water," He replied softly.

"I thought something bad had happened, tell me next time," I told him, my tone a bit harsher than I intended.

"Sorry, you walked off before I could say anything,"

I do remember walking off straight away when I got here, I didn't even pay any mind that the boy might be doing something different other than dancing so I sighed and nodded before apologising. The sudden fright that ran through my body when I found they weren't where they usually were was enough to put me on edge for the rest of the day. 

"Sorry, um..." I scratched my head, "So, should we get water?"

"You must've been worried," He said and I noticed his tone had softened even more and he was looking at me a certain way.

I panicked, "Yeah but it's okay. Water, let's go."

I walked past him and to the closest vending machine on the floor to get away from his caring gaze. I felt scrutinised under his stare and it made my skin tingle with warmth, a warmth that was suffocating and tight. 

A Bullet to the Heart, ₗₑₑ FₑₗᵢₓWhere stories live. Discover now