A start...

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Sometimes... and this is the very first time but I think I definitely fell asleep because when I woke up, I was in some high end room laying on the bed and this room was definitely very nicely decorated. This bed was also very comfy plus I was actually covered a bit under the blanket. 

Me: Mew.

This is so nice.

How did I end up here.


Did Winter?

Where is he?

I was a bit unsure where he is but then I saw this bunny. It was a bunny out of some towels or even a handkerchief. Just looking at it made me get up, stretch and then sit and put my head to the side. For some reasons I wanted to play with it. Curse this cat body but I really had the urge to play with it. So when I approached it and then tapped it a bit, I also made myself ready to pounce. This was when it suddenly started moving a bit.

You are mine!

I chased after this bunny for a bit but soon managed to get it before knocking it and myself off the bed. However before I could even hit it, I felt some hands catching me.

Winter: Are you alright?

Me: Yes.... how long are you in here?

Winter: Long enough to have seen you play cats and mouse with it.

Me: So from the beginning.

Winter: Yes. This is my room.

Me: Your.... YOUR ROOM?!

Winter: Yes. I can't let a cat run around aimlessly now can I?

Me: I am not a cat.

Winter: You are for now.

Me: Hah.... sooo what are we doing against it?

Winter: We?

Me: Yeah or do you expect me to stay still till this is over?

Winter: You might as well enjoy it since there is not really anything you could do. Or is there something I am not aware off?


A lot... 

How about I know about a bit of the future?!

I know this game in and out... but form Ivonnes perspective...

BUT there is way to make the magician recover.

It's Calisto.

I know his weakness.

That was something I couldn't say since I would look more than suspicious to Winter about right now. Instead I decided to actually not tell him anything about it and just let him put me down to the ground. Of course I could be useful to him but for now, I could definitely do something about his likability. 

Once I was on the floor, I started to go to his leg and just lean against it, brushing against his leg and then stood on two legs to lean once again against him looking up. He seemed confused but I could see that his ears are a bit red and the number just got up.

Me: Winter.... am I really allowed to be here?

Winter: Yes.

Me: You won't throw me in a different room and give me rotten food, will you?

Winter: Why should I do that?

Me: Please answer me?

For me it was important to look as much pitiful as I could while telling the truth. His character was a gentle yet stern one where he was fighting for justice. This was also why he brought back Ivonne to the mansion. He couldn't let her suffer while knowing the truth and she was a kind sole but who knows in this hard mode who Ivonne was. Right now I could just hope that I could win his heart since I could at least talk with one person.

Winter: I won't.

Me: Promise?

Winter: Yes.

Me: Thank you!!!

With that I got back to the ground with all my four paws and jumped up to the bed to be at least on a higher ground and be able to look at him eye to eye... even when it means to be slightly higher up.

Winter: Can I ask you something too?

Me: Sure.

Winter: Why did you ask something like this? 

Me: This was how I was being treat all these years at the duchy.

Winter: Impossible.

Me: Not if you are the fake daughter and just a replacement. They never cared for me.

Winter: .... You must have had it hard all this times.


Why did it feel as if he just hit the nail on the head and why did I feel soo much like crying that my vision started blurring. I didn't even know it was possible to cry as a cat but I did and Winter started patting my head while I was doing it until he picked me up like a small child so that my head was lying on his shoulder and started stroking my back while hugging me.

Winter: No one will treat you badly here.

Oh my Oh my... Is this true? I am a cat.... !!!!Where stories live. Discover now