Persistant... quite persistant...

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I don't know what it was that made Winter come back to me. Day by day he came over and we started to spend more time together. I may be stuck in this place but he was the one who pulled me out of my very own misery. No one can tell me that they would feel alright after knowing there was no turning back. I was shocked. This was after all my new life without family or anyone. 

However Winter made it cear to me that he wouldn't abandone me.

He was actually there for me.

It was one of these days that I was together with him enjoying the time we had together, months after getting better.

Me: I have a question for you.

Winter: Go on.

Me: Why are you sticking with me?

Winter: I don't think I understand your question.

Me: I mean, you are being sweet to me and you are nice to me as well. There is absolutely no need for that all.

Winter: That's what you say.

Me: And that is what I don't understand. 

Winter: Didn't I tell you before, you are a lovely lady.

Me: No, you actually didn't and even if I am lovely that doesn't mean that you would go this far.

Winter: Interest. I liked you and you picked my interest back then.... well when you were a cat. It is something else to see someone like this and it showed your true self.

Me: You wanna tell me that you fell in love with a cat?

Winter: With the person who got turned into a cat. No one would have played with the children on that beach... no one would have saved them and taken their place and yet you did.

Well I didn't had much choice, now did I?

But I can't tell him from the system... he will think I am crazy.

Winter looked at me as we both sat there on the terrace of his place. My family never actually came for me and neither me nor him contacted them. However Winter did tell me about Ivonne every now and then. I think he thinks I am curious abut it but I am not. It is nice to know what is going on but other than that, I didn't care at all.

Winter: You don't believe me, huh?

Me: It's just hard to believe you.

Winter: Then how about this.... I love you and I would give you the world... I'll give you everything you want. I'll even go to war for you.

He was not lying that was for sure. We spend moths close to a year now together and I just knew he was not joking at all. Besides as if he wanted to show me how much he meant his words, he suddenly had some flowers, red, no they were not red but pink roses. The color was the same like my hair. It was hard to get flowers in this color and yet he managed to do it.

Me: Oh Winter!

Winter: Take them. They look beutiful with you... as I thought. You are outshining them all.

Our relationship started different. I mean I was a cat and he took care of me, he tried to make me feel better, he tried to protect me and after that he just was there for me. If this was not love and affection what was it then? He could have just let me go and kick me out. No one would have stopped him and I would have understood it but he insisted that I would stay, he tried to get me to eat more, to stay healthy, to get out and to talk with him. 

He was an amazing person.

I couldn't say anything else.

As I had the flowers in my hand, Winter suddenly camer over to me and kneeled right in front of me with a box in his hands.

Winter: Penelope, I know you may not believe my words everytime but I know you feel the connection between us. I love you for who you are. You have proven it more than once to me that you are the gentlest person I know. So please will you be my other half for the rest of my life?

Me: Yes.

I didn't need to think this twice. Nearly half a year, that was the time it took me to get back and be my bubbly self... it was nearly one whole year that I was stuck with the system and it was the best I could ask for... while also in a way I definitely didn't needed at all... who needs to get strapped and nearly getting offered to who knows what... yeah I could have thankfully passed that one.

But then again....

Luck mostly follows after hardship.

I may have lost my past and everything with it... but I gained a new future with a man who truly loved me. Was that not worth it? I would have a future here without needing to threat over my life. I would have a future with somene who was willing to accept me who I am and not because I was Penelope Eckhart. 

I was my own person after all and nothing felt better than knowing this.

This was just the beginning of mine and Winters life together and I just knew it was about to be a great one.


A/N: Thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it as well and perhapse I can see you in another book of mine XP

Oh my Oh my... Is this true? I am a cat.... !!!!Where stories live. Discover now