He really said just die....

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I looked at this person and I could tell that I was enjoying the shit out of him. Honestly who wouldn't be annoyed if the sacrifice would talk back like I did but to be quite fair.... I felt wronged. In this case, I am pretty sure every single person in my stead would do something against it. Be it either fight with fists or words. I was literally tied up here so fists don't work. Besides how was I supposed to fight against someone who uses magic?! Someone please explain this shit to me!!!! Nothing made sense at all.

Me: What? Am I soo pretty you had to take me or something?

???: Do you ever shut up?

Me: Let me think about this for a second.... do you intend to release me?

???: You are a sacrifice.

Me: So it is a no?

???: That is a clear no or do you see another sacrifice.

I looked around a bit and there was indeed a couple of people around me and I could tell that they were part of this laila cult. Who wouldn't know that they were all the same people with how they are dressed. All of them had some kind of black coat and a hoddie over their head. Didn't stop me from actually looking at a person and pointing at him with my head.

Me: What about them?

???: They are part of the cult.

Me: Are they an important member?

???: Yes.

Me: And them?

I looked at another person and did the same thing again. This time the guy looked at me and then at another person and did the same thing I did but this time pointed at another person and imitated me in a ridiculous way. 

???: How about this one?

Me: Yes, why not?

???: Are you freaking serious?

Me: Yes, yes I am. 

???: Look you are the one who was chosen to be the sacrifice there is no taking it back now.

Me: Why, is there some kind of rule for this?

???: No.

Me: Did a oracle or something told you to get me?

???: No.

Me: Magic orb or whatever?

???: That doesn't even exist.

Me: Then why in the world did you chose me?

???: It was your magical capability.

Me: I hate to break it but I can't use magic.

???: No need to lie to us. We saw your magic in action a while ago.

Me: Well that was a fluke you idiot. You seriously think if I had such a powerful magic, I would let you trap me and wouldn't fight back at all?

He looked at me and for the very first time I could tell that he was thinking hard about what I just said. Well to tell you the truth..... I couldn't use it but I did because of the system. Does this mean I can use magic or not?! I wasn't so sure about that and even if I could use magic, I didn't know how it would help me here. 

The magic I had performed was so big that it had nearly destroyed something outside... now imagine me doing this inside this... this... well cave. It does look like a cave of some sort. It would be devestating to say the least. This was not normal at all. How was I even supposed to survive that?

On that note, I decided to look at the system or recall it or whatever you want to call this popp up system thing. There was a timer I had so ignored. For some reasons I thought there was something fishy about this surviving thing and this guy said I could use magic. So counting one and one together, I had hoped that there was a magical option saying fight back or would actually take controll over my body again. Whelp, I still could dream about it... it would have been nice you know.... what do I have a system for anyways?!!!!

It doesn't help.

It turned me into a cat because of a fucking error.

It also made me a sacrifice. 

It just makes my life harder.

This is so goddamn hard.

Why is this on hard mode anyways?!!!!!

I never asked for this. 

I wanted to life a normal life and not being stuck in a goddamn horror game!!!! Every corner I go, there is something that is gonna kill me! First brothers, then the stupid crown prince, then there was this slave and .... and.... Winter... goddamn it. Was there even a single person who doesn't want to harm me?!

We still looked at each other and then all of the sudden, tears started to whell up and I started to cry. This was so unfair!!! Not only did the guy look at me but he kinda started to try to calm me down but he made me cry even harder. 

Oh my Oh my... Is this true? I am a cat.... !!!!Where stories live. Discover now