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ᴏᴍɴɪsᴄɪᴇɴᴛ                      ʙᴇɢɪɴ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

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ᴏᴍɴɪsᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ʙᴇɢɪɴ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

"Bey!" Tina shouts up the stairs.

"Yes mama?" Bey questions as she walks down the stairs. She was not about to yell back and forth with her mother. Not on a Saturday morning.

"Put on some clothes and come on." Tina says and Bey frowns.

"Where we g-"

"To church for rehearsals. Go put some clothes on." Tina says shooing her.

"But I'm not even involved in-"

"Clothes." Tina cuts her short and Bey pouts before stomping up the stairs. "You don't act like this when I tell you we're about to go spend the money God has blessed us with." Tina lifts a brow.

"Mama please." Bey laughs.

"And hurry up." Tina says as she dials a phone number.

"Hey T." Tanya answers with a smile. "Kody, go put those shoes on!" She shouts. "Sorry. These dang kids." She huffs.

"Trust, I know." Tina chuckles. "Speaking of, Giselle will be there." Tina says briefly looking up the stairs.

"Perfect! Chunks is already there. Said something about an early me-"

"She came and got Lana at eight. No way I'd be up there getting told how awful I sound that early." Tina shakes her head.

"My baby doesn't tell them they're awful." Tanya laughs.

"Girl! Lana said she told them they were a mess, and she wasn't singing with them if they were going to sound like that." Tina laughs.

"That does sound like Chunks." Tanya laughs. "That's my Nunu." Tanya smiles.

"How's she been, T?" Tina asks her.

"Uh- better. Much better. She's in heat right now though, and all the other times she attempted she was in heat. We're kind of just watching her closely. Hopefully this helps." Tanya says and Tina smiles sadly.

"Never would've thought. My baby." Tina pouts.

"Takoda Mar- you know wh- atrévete pa' que tú vea'!" Tanya shouts. "I'll see you at church T, this boy about to make me hurt him." She says before ending the call.


"I'm right here." Bey says holding her hand up in Tina's face.

"Move girl." Tina pushes her hand away.

"Ma- why do I ha-"

"Because you need the Lord." Tina locks arms with her as they exit the house.


"Y'all, this is my Auntie Ki's tribute. We cannot mess this up." Onika huffs cutting them again.

"Onika we've been singing for hours."

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