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ᴏᴍɴɪsᴄɪᴇɴᴛ                                sᴍɪʟᴇ

"Good morning West Shore High!" Onika rolls her eyes at the voice.

"Anyway, you coming?" She asks Beyoncé.

It had been three weeks since their talk, and Beyoncé really had been proving herself. It was laughable to Onika. Watching this same person who practically bullied her for a year and a half now move at her every command. She loved it. Felt like old times.

"I've never fully shifted before." Bey says.

"Me neither." Onika says. "Being a mystic is all so hard and confusing." She groans.

"No seriously. When you're just one thing you only have one thing to learn to control. We have to learn to control multiple things." Bey huffs.

"And our bodies go through so many changes. Like the shift, the freaking full moon siren shit, then the only vamp traits I got are sensitive skin, and like I'm super fast. That could be from that wolf or siren in me too though." Onika rolls her eyes.

"Oh my gosh! I went through my first siren cycle." Bey tells her.

"Really?! What was it like?" Onika asks.

"I can't even explain it. Mama and Mami took me to the water and we swam to the moon pool. They pampered me and pretty much welcomed me into adulthood. There's more to it but I'm not allowed to say." Bey smiles wide.

"You got to go in the moon pool?" Onika asks with big eyes.

"Duh. I go all the time now." Bey nods.

"And my mom was there?" Onika asks her.

"Your mom, my mom, some other sirens from our childhood. Like they all welcomed me, but only Mama and Mami took me in. I'll get to be there for yours." Bey smiles wide. "Cause I'm already eighteen." She says.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so excited now. Mami said I'd feel a lot of pain the first time." Onika frowns.

"You do, but like they help you through it. Everything changes. I will say I feel like my Siren overpowers my wolf at times." Bey nods.

"You look a lot more siren since then too. I thought it was because you were starting to look like Mama, but maybe it's the fact that you've experienced your first full moon cycle." Onika points out.

"That's what Mama said too." Bey says and Onika stops speaking and just stares at Bey with a smile.

"You're gorgeous." Onika cups her cheek in one hand before pecking her lips.

"Uh- Miss Santos, you are still in class." Mr. Jones says and she huffs before facing forward.

"Sorry." She says before speedily copying what was on the board.

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