It's Just a Pair of Horns!

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Jason Ashborne woke up to his alarm. 

He groaned as his teeth and head ached in a painful. 

Getting out of his bed, and turning his alarm on his phone off, he put on his slippers, fuck off the tiles were fucking freezing in the morning alright?, And walked out of his room. 

Making his way to the bathroom he grabbed his tooth brush and paste and began to brush his teeth. 



He blinked at his reflection. His Carmel skinned reflection blinking back. 



He spat out his toothpaste and rinsed and spat out the remnants before wiping his mouth. 

Slowly he reached up and poked the extrusions on his skull. 

Each was about nine inches long all together and bent to a backwards L. 


"MOM!" Jason yelled as panic finally worked it's way through his tired mind. 

He stumbled out of the bathroom, cursing as his horn hit the side of the door frame, sending him off balance and onto the floor. 

"Shit!" He yelled getting back to his feet. 

Fast walking, he wasn't stupid enough to try and run a second time, into the kitchen he found his mother cooking at the stove. 

"Mom!" He yelled. 

"Yeah hun?" She asked glancing over at him. She stopped and stared at his horns for a few seconds. "Nice horns."

"I need more of a response than just 'Nice Horns'!" Jason yelled pointing at her. 

"Well give me a second so I don't burn the has browns." His mother said sternly. "Eggs and bacon?"

"I... Uh... Yeah I'm actually really hungry." Jason realized. 

"I figured." She said. "Go wash your hands and sit down."

Jason sighed. 

"Alright." He said. 

Walking over to the sink, he quickly washed his hands, now noticing his nails felt a slight bit tougher than they usually did. He scratched at the handle as he turned off the sink. 


Jason stared at the metal bit in his hand. 

"Jason?" His mother said sternly. "What was that noise?"

"U-Uh..." Hesitantly he held up the piece of the sink handle. 

She sighed. 

"Oh dear that's gonna be a reoccurring problem isn't it?" She asked setting his food down at the table. 

"I-I'm sorry." Jason said, slowly walking over to the table and, carefully, pulling a chair out and sitting down. 

Hesitating he grabbed his fork and stabbed into his eggs and took a bite. 

Sighing in relief he quickly finished his plate. 

After finishing he looked at his mother who was smiling at him.

"Mom..." He said. "You're taking me having horns... Oddly well?"

She chuckled into her hand. 

"Well honestly I've been preparing for this since you were born Jason." She said with a smile. 

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