It's Just a New School.

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Jason sighed as he pulled on his hoodie, holes now cut and sewn up so that his horns would disrupt it. 

"Now Jason." His mother said. "Arcadia is surrounded by a state of the art Faraday cage." 

"Yeah I know."

"If you learn who the wards are don't expose them."

"I know mom."

"Learn as much as you can."

"I know mom."

"Be sure t-"

"Mom?" Jason said interrupting her. 

"Yeah sweety?" His mother asked. 

"I know." He reaffirmed. 

"Ooh... My boys going to Arcadia!" She cooed hugging him. 

"Don't break to many hearts Dragon boy." Sarah grinned.

"F off Sarah." 

"Jason!" His mother scolded. 

"What?" He asked. "She started it. Also we're kind of catching everyone's attention."

His mother looked at all of the students staring at them. 

"Sorry Honey." She said. 

"See you later." Jason said. 

"Bye Dragon boy."

"Have a good day Hun."

Jason turned and walked towards the school. 

He ignored the looks and whispers of his new classmates.

Entering the school, he turned left and entered the office. 

"Hello?" The receptionist said. "Oh you must be Jason?"

"What gave it away?" He asked sarcastically. 

"Head on into the Principals office, he's excited to meet you." She said. 

Jason sighed and nodded. 

"Thank you." He said walking into the office. 

Immediately he was looked at with high expectations. 

The Principal greeted him with a smile, shaking his hand. 

"I'm Principal Hawthorn." He said. "It's as pleasure to meet you dear boy, a pleasure."

"I'm uh... sure." Jason said. "Jason Ashborne." Jason turned towards the second occupant of the room. "And you are?" 

"Dean," The student answered. "I'm Dean Stansfield. Nice to meet you." 

"You as well." Jason said. 

"Dean here will give you a tour of the school if you so wish." The Principal said. "He'll also be someone you can talk to if you have questions. He's part of the student council you see." 

"Oh." Jason said. "I look forward to speaking with you." 

"Same." Dean smiled. 

"Now I know the circumstances of your transfer are irritable." The principal said. "But I'm certain that you'll find the accommodations provided for you acceptable." 

"I don't need special accommodations sir." Jason said. "I'm a normal person to. I just have claws and horns." 

"Why of course." The principal said. "But should you ever need to leave class because of your power acting up you will be allowed to do so."

"Oh actually that's nice to know, thanks." Jason said. "I don't want to accidently hurt someone if I feel some more flames build up." 

"You breathe fire?" Dean asked. 

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