It's Just a Fight.

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Taylor breathed in as she pulled the silk fabric over her body. 

She had spent the last three months preparing for this night.

Taking the mask she had created from the shed Chitin and epoxy, with large orange lenses that were shaped to her bad eyesight. 

She had a few insects squirm their way under the window (6,205 in her swarm currently), helping her open it. 

She chastised herself for slipping back into that habit as she fully opened the window and slipped out into the night. 

Jason took a small breath of the night air. 

His mom probably knew that he was out of the house. 

They usually had that sort of agreement. 

As long as he wasn't injured or looking for a fight he was allowed to continue to do what he wanted through the night. 

The moon was fairly high in the sky and he could feel the subtle chill that the fleeing winter still provided. 

Flames licked out of his mouth as he heated up. 

Walking through the alleyway, Jason was making a mental list of what to do later in the day. 

Beside classes he would definitely need to talk to Amy about all of that exploding blood crap she was talking about a few days ago. 

She hadn't been to school recently and Jason couldn't help but consider the possibility that she might've gotten in trouble for taking a literal part of him. 

He paused as an outrageously loud buzzing started to occur. 

Looking up Jason saw an entire swarm of bugs flying to the south side of the docs. 

'A cape?' He thought. 'It could be interesting.' 

Jason made a split second decision.

Deciding to follow the bugs, Jason quickly ran through the streets. 

The bugs were all converging over a shorter building. 

Jason, quickly coming to the end of his decision, climbed up a ladder that was at the convergence of the building. 

Getting to the top, He was quickly met with a long stare from a cape in a pitch black costume with large orange lenses. 

"W-" The woman said before stopping. 

"Who are you?" The bugs around the woman hummed in a tune that said the phrase she had almost spoken from her own mouth. 

"Uh..." Jason said. "Would you believe that I just saw a huge swarm of bugs and just followed it?"


The cape turned around and stared at an alley a few streets over. 

"What are you doing?" Jason asked. 

"There's a weapons deal going on I think." The cape said. 

She glanced back at him for a couple of seconds. 

"Are you going to try and stop it?" Jason asked.

He took notice of how her hands were shaking.

"Not unless someone's about to get hurt." She said. 

"Well I mean if you have all of these bugs... Don't you think you can win?" Jason asked. 

The cape stopped. 

Suddenly she broke into a sprint towards the alley, Jason followed closely behind. 

"What happened?"

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