It's Just a Couple of Flames.

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Jason sneezed. 

"Bless you." His mom said, from the kitchen. 

"Bless you." Sarah said. 

Jason pulled his jacket on and mask over his face. 

"Are you feeling sick Dragon Boy?" Sarah asked before making a face. "Can Dragons get sick? Dragons can get sick right?" 

"Yes." His mom said. "Do you want some tea?"

"Coffee?" Jason asked. 


"Hmph." Jason said. He grinned. "Sarah let's me have coffee."

"Excuse me?" His Mom said. "You let him have my coffee?"

"Uh..." Sarah looked like a mouse caught in headlight. "Peanut butter." 

And suddenly she vanished. 

His mom sighed. 

"That Woman." She said. "I'll get you a thermos of tea for school today Jason." 

"Thanks mom." Jason said, packing his homework into his bag. 

Jason walked towards the school gate, Thermos in hand. 

"Achoo!" Jason sneezed into his elbow, more force than before.

"You alright?" 

Turning Jason saw a familiar face. 

"Sophia?" He asked. 

"Sup looser." Sophia greeted. 

Behind her was a red haired girl with a good figure, in a short skirt and low cut T shirt. 

And behind her was a black haired girl that was more Cutesy than hot. 

Those two were Emma and Madison. 

In that order.

And all together they were the bitch trio of Winslow. 

Emma stepped forward. 

"C-Can I... touch your horn?" She asked. 

"Uh..." Jason said. "No thanks. They're still in pain from yesterday." 

It was a lie but a very believable one as Madison nodded.

Though Madison was the only one who shared his forth period, she must have told the other two yesterday. 

"I'll be Gentle." Emma said, seductively. 

"No thanks, not my type. Also I'm pretty sure I don't like any of you three." Jason said and Emma blinked, before a small frown built onto her face. "Bye losers." 

He walked away from them. 

Emma seemed confused, Madison shocked, and Sophia seemed... Hungry.

He walked into the school building and made his way to Mr. Gladly's class.

Sitting in his seat, Jason sighed and set his head onto his hand, starring out of the window. 

"Hey Jason."

Turning, Jason smiled at his friend. 

"Hey Taylor." Jason said. "Hope your forehead feels better."

"Yeah." She agreed. 

"So how did your dad react to being friends with a cape?"

"...Shockingly well." Taylor admitted. "He even told me he thought you were a..." She snorted. "A nice guy."

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