It's Just a Meeting.

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Jason felt the energy in his body. 

"Come on~!" He yelled out. 

"Still nothing?" Taylor asked with a small Smile. 

"You would think using it once would let me know at least how to get it moving!" Jason growled. 

"Well how did you learn to breathe fire?" Taylor asked. 

"My mom's girlfriend kick my ass." Jason said. 

"Well... I can't kick your ass even if I tried so some other way?" Taylor asked amused. 

"You're the smart one between us!" Jason huffed. 

"Maybe..." Taylor fake gasped. "You should practice during a storm."

"Oh har! har!" Jason said. "I'm so amused!"

Taylor rolled her eyes. 

"Maybe try licking a nine volt?" Taylor asked. "It'll shock you. Might actually jump start it?"

"That's... not the worst idea I've ever heard." Jason admitted. "But I don't have a nine volt."

"Sorry." Taylor apologized. 

Jason looked at the setting sun. 

"I guess today is a bust." He said. 

"Guess so." Taylor said. Her bookmark entered her book.

"Let's go then." Jason said. Shooting a text off to his mom.

Taylor forced herself not to have a heart attack. 

Jason was walking shoulder to shoulder with her through the city. 

He would even pull her to the side when she almost ran into things.

A wolf whistle sounded through the air. 

"Sup Beautiful!" The man who had whistled said, approaching them. "I notice you don't have yourself an arm to hold?"

"B-Back off." Taylor whispered. 

"Oh come on." They said reaching for her shoulder. 

Her swarm (23,172 now) buzzed around. 

The reach was stopped by Jason's hand. 

"Excuse me?" He asked the man. "What do you think you're doing touching my friend?"

"I-I-I-" The man stuttered. 

"Fuck the fuck off." Jason said, letting go.

The man nodded and ran away.

Taylor hugged Jason. 

"T-Thank you." She said. 

"Yeah no problem." Jason said. 

After the hug, they continued to Taylor's house. 

Taylor said nothing about the, very light, grip he had on her wrist the entire way.

Jason scrolled through PHO. 

It was mostly talking about how an ABB hideout had been raided and Bakuda had killed herself with a bomb, trying to kill Narwhal. 

But a ping had Jason looked down at his messages. 

Clicking on the messages. 

You have: (1) unread messages. 

All_SeeingEye: Hey dragon boy. Thanks for the save a few days ago. Our team would like to properly thank you.

Jason thought about it for a few seconds before shrugging. 

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