It's Just a Date.

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Jason felt himself flying through the air. 

"It is these precious moments that we must spend with our loved ones."  A voice roared over the deafening wind. 

Jason looked down and froze. 

"A new one has been born." A separate voice said. "One... who has black scales."

Black scaled ran up Jason's arm and body. 

"G-Get off of me!" The scales burned. 

They burned through his flesh!

Jason gasped as he woke up. 

He looked down at his arms. 

They were normal. 

Normal skin. 

No scales. 

Jason let out a breath of relief. 

Getting dressed, Jason walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey mom." He greeted. "Hey Sarah."

Both women looked at him. 

"Are you alright?" His mom asked. 

"...I had a weird dream." Jason admitted. "Can't really remember it though."

"Ah." His mother nodded. "I've got some pancakes ready if you're hungry."

"Starving." Jason agreed, walking over and taking his plate. 

Walking over to the table he sat down and started eating. 

He finished his food quickly. 

"I'm going to school." He called out. 

"Alright dear." His mom said. 

"Don't break any hearts!" Sarah called after him, pancakes still in her mouth. 

"I'll try not to." Jason snorted. 

Taylor walked into the lunchroom. 

Her lunch was in her lunch sack, a small bowl of diced potatoes, and a pair of pork chops. 

Just because they were left overs didn't mean she didn't like the food. 

Walking over to her normal table she frowned. 

"What do you mean we can't sit with you?" A group of three girls, who were incredibly beautiful, were attempting to sit next to Jason. 

"Sorry but that seat's taken." Jason said. "And I doubt the three of you want to split up. So there's not enough room for you. Sorry."

"By who?" A sassy girl said. 

Anger welled in her chest. 

"By my friend." Jason said. "Now ba- Oh hey Taylor." 

Everyone turned to her. 

The anger was replaced with anxiety as she slowly walked between the three girls and sat beside Jason. 

The three girls looked at Taylor for a few seconds before they started laughing. 

"This is the girl you were waiting on." The first said. 

Taylor's eyes dropped. 

"She's like... a two out of ten." The third girl scoffed. 

"Can you three leave?" Jason asked. "I don't like anyone less than a five sitting at my table... besides Dean."

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