It's Just a Family Matter.

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Another week, another big fight. 

Amy sighed as she listened to her mother yell at her. 

"And not to mention that Jason boy!" Carol yelled. "I can't trust someone like him to not abuse you for your power!"

"You don't even know him!" Amy snipped back. 

"Excuse me?" Carol asked. "I know people like him quite well." 

"How would you know if you've only ever insulted him?" Amy asked haughtily. "God forbid you ever look at something and think 'Maybe this isn't bad?' For once in your life."

"You promised to-" Carol said and Amy saw red. 

"I PROMISED NOT TO BE A MONSTER!" She screamed. "I-I Promised that I wouldn't be Nillbog. I promised that I wouldn't use my power on you if you weren't dying! I don't... I'm not even allowed to eat the same food as everybody else in this house! You forced me to have a fucking drawer in the fridge!?"

"You know damn well w-" Carol said. 

"Fuck you!" Amy said. "I was eight! Of course I was going to play with my powers! God forbid I entertain myself three days after Vici is nearly murdered in front of me! I had part of her fucking spleen in my hair! Of course I'm gonna distract myself! And you know what?! I'm not a shaker! I'm a fucking Tinker! You Know that! Do you know how many panic attacks I've had because I had to force myself into not having a fugue?"

"You aren't allowed to use those abilities in this family!" Carol shouted.

"Than maybe you shouldn't have fucking adopted me!" Amy screamed. "Because this isn't a fucking family anyways!"

Carol's eyes widened. 

Amy stormed out of the house. 

"Get back h-" Carol said before Amy slammed the door shut. 

Grabbing a potted plant from nearby, Amy forced the plant to twist around the door frame eating into the door. 

The door shook and a bang echoed off of it.

Grabbing her phone. She ran down the street. 

Going through her contacts she clicked on Jason's.

The phone rang for a few seconds before the Demi Dragon picked up. 

"Yo Ames what's up?" He asked, half asleep.

"Where do you live?" She asked instantly. 

"Mm... One Thirty Seven on Fourth and Mauver." He mumbled off. "You alright?" 

"I'm coming over." She said. 

"I'll make... lunch I guess." Jason yawned. 

Amy hung up before Jason could say anything else and chucked her phone away. 

She couldn't go straight away no matter how bad she wanted to. 

She reached a corner store. 

"H- Oh god uh... hey?" The store manager said. 

"Do you have a knife?" Amy asked. 

"Uh i... over there." He gestured to the pocket knives. 

Amy pulled out her wallet and slammed a hundred dollar bill onto the table.

Grabbing the knife from the shelf, as well as a roll of bandages, She opened the packaging.

Opening the knife Amy glanced at it.

Decently sharp. 

"Good." She said. "Back up please?" She asked going to the counter. 

The man nodded as Amy rolled her sleeve up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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