Chapter 32. REUNION

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"Ngrrrr! Ngrrrr!"

" Your phone..! " I hear Julian say lazily and shakes me to wake up.

" Ugh!! " I groan .

I stretch my hand without opening my eyes to pick my phone from where it's ringing from but I don't seem to reach it so I have no choice but to wake up .

I open my eyes and move Julian off me , making him lie where I've been since he slept on top of me .

When did we fall asleep anyway? I think the orgasm knocked us off, we're used to this thing... sleeping off after the orgasm.

We're in the living room, I swear if by magic anyone enters this house and find us like this.. clothes everywhere on the floor , us completely necked, they are gonna pass out from this view .

I walk to my phone's sound , which is under the table I guess , I feel so much tiredness but remembering about last night and how it was a success, it just makes me smile idiotically. Especially when I remember during orgasm when Julian kept encouraging me to go on . And there's this thing which he said I don't know if he remembers but it makes sense. That " Let's keep doing it everyday even if we can't produce children, we can always surrogate and have a baby." he's so talkative, but what he said makes much sense though .

Bending down I pick my phone and looking at the caller , I almost drop it from shock ! Why on earth is he calling?!

" You alright? Who is it ? You look tense!" Jul asks sitting up but then lies down making a face , I guess he's feeling uncomfortable or something, I'll have to get him painkillers.

" Adam? Are you okay? Who is calling?" He asks again probably because I was lost in my thoughts and didn't answer.

My phone stops ringing and starts again !

" It's my dad "

" What? "

"Yeah and am not gonna pick it !"

" You gotta pick it to at least hear what he has to say ." I ponder on his words and decides to pick it up anyways but if he's gonna throw shit at me , am gonna hung up on him !

The moment I pick . " Finally you picked up , I thought you were going to ignore me the rest of my life, anyway Adams , did you really give up on the company, you want me to sell the one thing that we treasure? I know your mother and I haven't been the best parents for you but we want you to know that we regret it , I decided not to sell the company because of the hard work you've done in it and made it the shining one among many, but it's falling apart , we would like you to come back and continue being the president. And your boyfriend, you can even make him your secretary , in that case , you'll get to see him often during work hours ."

We both open our eyes in shock , is he being for real ?! So he's just gonna throw me away and think that they'll just call me back once and I run to them?!

Julian is speechless, I can see it , but in his confused , surprised face there's a hint of happiness, why would he be happy ?! He got his job back ?!

" I told you they'll come around!" He says now his happiness obvious.

" And you are happy ready to go back ?! Are you happy that you got your job back or what ?! Because I refuse to believe that you don't know that they are literally asking me to go back because they want to imprison me back in the company!! " I feel disappointed and betrayed.

" Of course you know that am not happy about the job ! You know it !! Why are talking like this?! Let me tell you Adam, I can leave on this planet without working but I'll never go hungry , and you thinking that it's the job making me happy that's just so pathetic !! This are your parents, am happy because finally they get to understand that they made a mistake and are willing to confirm it! Am happy because you'll get to be with them at peace because that's all you've been yearning for apart from me !! They did wrong to you but you wanted them and loved them still ! You might say that I make you happy but I always see that , there's this part of your happiness that is still empty!! They won't take advantage of you again, you know why...? Because I won't allow it! No one will accuse you or a abuse you when am here with you , I won't let that happen!! Am not telling you what to do, it's just a suggestion that you give them another chance to be your parents and if they f*ck it up again , that's it !!"

" Am sorry I said that ." I say going to the couch where he is , am so stupid! How could I say that to him !!

" It's okay ." He says hugging me , he's really the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life . "Owh shit!! They are still on the phone ! " that's when I remember I never hanged up.

" Adam , We are not asking you to come back so that we take advantage of you ! We really regret what we did to you as your parents , your mother has been crying since the day you left ,, regretting how a bad mother she is! but she had no courage to call to tell you how sorry she feels about everything and how guilty she feels , she'll be happy to see you . I personally never hated you son , I love you , but I thought that there would be no way you can't love a woman and if you don't marry a woman our generation will end here , so I was trying so hard to make you be on the track that I want you to be, not knowing that I was just hurting you . Am sorry son , I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us , and consider coming back home ." He then hangs up .

I don't think I've ever heard my dad say he loves me and for that reason , am gonna head home right away just to hear him say it to my face !

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed though it's rushed because I wanted to finish it before my coming exams.

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Thanks for your time , Much love💓💓

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