The Text

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I mean, I'm not gonna lie, hearing this news was definitely not how I expected to wake up on my Saturday morning, especially at the ripe, early time of 11:30 AM.

Shutting off every alarm that's gone off since 8 o'clock this morning, I think it's safe to say I'm not a morning person. Or a people person. Which is why I was suspicious when Mother texted me at 7 (like actually, who the hell wakes up that early on a Saturday?? Psychos, that's who) in the morning.

The text was sent to a group chat that Mother had just created, including me, her, and 9 others. The other 9 albums. Of course, I knew these people, but I didn't really know them. I mean, we've made small talk before at other events that we were all attending. Our mother is apparently a billionaire and is like running the country or something, meaning she gets invited to a lot of fancy events for famous people. But other than the occasional time where I'm forced to interact, I never contact them.

Considering the previous information, I was really confused when I received the following text:

💬New message from: "🙄Mother😒"
Hey y'all!! I have some really exciting news for you!!💬

Oh I'm sure this'll be good

💬Next Saturday, one week from today, you will all be moving into the newly built Eras House together!! More information will be announced later!! See you soon!!!💬

Wtf did she just say? What is the "Eras House," and why am I moving there, especially with all the others??

As if this morning didn't suck already, now I have to live with people. Not just one or two, but NINE. This morning couldn't get any worse. I mean, I lost one of my earrings while putting the other one in, which sucks. The birds also wouldn't shut up this morning while I was trying to sleep, and the sun literally blinding me wasn't of any help. On top of all of that, I tried to make an omelet and it was absolutely disgusting because I am apparently very talented at being untalented. So I didn't have breakfast. Or lunch. Yk, sometimes I really hate my life.

"Happy Saturday Everyone"🙄😒

This morning started like any other. I woke up around 7 (how do people sleep in until 11:30 when they have a full day ahead of them?? I'll never understand it), threw on a pink blouse with some white denim shorts, curled my hair, and went downstairs to make myself an omelet.

While flipping said omelet, I heard a ping from my phone. So I put my food on the plate, placed the pan and spatula in the sink, and picked up my phone.

My mind was going everywhere as I read the text from Mother. While I had several questions, I was super excited!!! I didn't know these people super well, since I only saw them every now and then, but they all seem like awesome people, and I was super excited to get to know them better!! I mean, I am a hugeeeee people person, so hearing that I got to move in with 9 other people and be around people 24/7 was the highlight of my morning. That and finding my missing earring, that was pretty awesome too. Oh, and waking up to the birds singing and the sun shining bright in my eyes?? Unbeatable feeling right there. My omelet was really good too. Man, I love my life💞

Happy Saturday Everyone!!😁

💬New Message💬
💬New Message💬
💬New Message💬

Once upon a time, I drank a lot last night and didn't wake up until 1 o'clock when my phone started blowing up with messages from people checking if I was still alive. I didn't bother reading any of them though. I opted for the better option: go back to sleep. And that's exactly what I did. The end.

A/N: Hiii!!! This is my other story I'll be writing, which will be about all of the albums instead of just Lover/Rep.

Side Note: Ik there's 11 albums, but I started writing this story awhile ago, before TTPD came out, so we're gonna pretend she lives separately for a little bit since she's new, or something like that, but she'll join eventually.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!!
I hope you have a great day/night🫶

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