The Very First Night

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Around 5 or so, while everyone was off on their own in their rooms, I started getting hungry and decided I would make dinner for everyone! I loved cooking, and I was pretty good at it too, so I figured eating dinner together would be the perfect way to start our first night together. So after taking a look at what we had in the fridge, I decided on lasagna.
As I was getting the ingredients out, 1989 walked into the kitchen.

"Hi!" I greeted her.

"Hey! I just came down here to start making dinner for everyone, I love cooking."

"Oh my gosh same here!! I was literally just getting out the ingredients to start making dinner myself. I was thinking lasagna, how does that sound?"

"Oh, I'm not hungry, but I'm sure the others will love that. You mind if I help?"

"Not at all!! You wanna start boiling the water for the pasta while I get everything out?"

"Yeah sure!" She smiled warmly at me.
I was excited to see that someone else shared my love for cooking. Maybe we could make dinner together every night! She seems like a super sweet person, and I think we could be great friends!

"So how's your first day been?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Eh, kind of hectic, but overall exciting. You?"

"Same here. Do you know anyone here very well? Cause I don't. I'm hoping to make some friends, but everyone seems to want to be on their own."

"That's exactly how I feel! Everyone seems so uninterested, and I'm just trying to get to know people better."

"Ugh I'm so glad someone feels the same way. I was gonna explode if I was the only person here who actually wanted to talk to people and socialize."

"Yeah, I'm sure everyone will loosen up more in a few days. The first day I'm sure everyone's just kind of getting used to the idea."

"Yeah, I can see that."

There were a couple moments of silence as she poured the pasta into the strainer, and then she had a really fun idea.

"Hey, our rooms are right across from each others. Would you wanna sleepover tonight? Y'know, so that the first night isn't so boring" she giggled.

"Yeah, that'd be super fun!!"

"Cool! We could watch movies or play games, whatever you want. I was just hoping to hang out with someone, and I don't plan on sleeping much tonight." We both giggled in agreement as we slid the pan of lasagna into the oven, setting the timer. We then sat down on the couch and just chatted about whatever we could think of.

I had been sitting in my room by myself in complete silence (it was amazing) for almost 6 hours before Lover came into my room saying that dinner was ready. Oh, that's something we do now. Eat together. Every night. Fun. Whatever, I guess a half hour of socialization won't kill me. I walked downstairs and sat down in an open chair and soon all of the chairs filled with other people, Lover sitting directly across from me.

"Oh joy, the glitter bomb is in my direct line of sight" was my initial thought, but I soon realized that she wasn't so bad. I mean, definitely not my type of person, but not as annoying as I would imagine someone like her would be. She actually seemed kind of fun to be around. She had a cute smile and sweet eyes, like someone who genuinely cares for people, someone who enjoyed being with people. She seemed so confident and outgoing, and all of the sudden the bright pink didn't nauseate me as much. She wore it so naturally, and looked so good in it. She made me dislike bright and sparkly things a little less. She seemed so excited about everything, it was...kind of...cute. It was almost like she-

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