Snow on the Beach (but without the snow)

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(Time skip to the beach, it's about 5 o'clock)

(help this part is so unserious, idk what i'm doing lol😭💀)

This day has been pretty lame. I'm not a mall person, and the movie was pretty mid. I mean, the plot wasn't bad, but the fact that I could predict everything that was happening next kind of ruined it. I'm not crazy about the beach either, but I ain't no party pooper, so I told myself to suck it up and deal with it. And I was dealing with it, laying on my towel half asleep, until my greatest annoyance (cough, cough, Folklore, cough) had to appear by my side.

"Did you hear me" she so rudely half-woke me up.
"I'm trying not to hear you"
"Fine, no ice cream for you"
"I'll take pistachio"
"You monster"
"Who the hell chooses pistachio ice cream"
"Me, that's who"
"They don't have your weird-ass flavor, pick a normal one"
"What's a 'normal' flavor"
"I'm waiting"
"You're so annoying"
"Just tell me what the damn flavors are"
"Chocolate or vanilla"
"That's it?"
"Yes Evermore, that's all this poor 16 year old boy is selling in the booth over there trying to make some kind of money for himself by being kind enough to provide people with ice cream. Choose a fucking flavor or I'm not getting you any."

I just sat there and blinked for a second.
"I'll take chocolate."

I'm a super patient person unless it comes to Evermore. I seriously can't stand her sometimes. Here I am trying to do something nice for everyone involved and she has to be difficult. She's stubborn.

Anyways, I came back with the ice cream and everyone thanked me, including Evermore, but I know that the only reason she's being nice now is because I snapped at her. I really don't care at this point. She's just so annoying sometimes.

💜Speak Now💜
Today has been really great. I was actually socializing with everyone without getting nervous, which was amazing. I think the beach was definitely my favorite part, though. I got to hang out with Folklore more, she's a really good friend of mine now, but I also got to hang out with other people like Debut and Fearless. I like them, they're a lot of fun. They're the two youngest, me being third, so they're closer to my age, which is nice. Most of the time we spent at the beach I was either sitting with Folklore on a towel and just relaxing and talking to her, or running through the water like a little kid with Fearless and Debut, which was really fun.

Overall, today has definitely helped me talk to people and become friends with a few people, which made things so much easier for me.

As me and Lover were sitting at the shore with our feet in the water, I couldn't help myself.

"So...Reputation" Even the sound of her name was enough for Lovers cheeks to get flushed as she rolled her eyes at me and giggled.

"You know you like her"
"I know no such thing" she laughed and shoved me.
"Okay Miss snuggles-up-to-Rep-when-she-gets-scared" I teased. She didn't say anything because she knew there would be no use trying to cover it up. Instead, she grabbed my leg and dragged me in the water as I screamed, laughing at myself after I realized that trying to hold onto the sand would be extremely pointless.

"That's what you get" she laughed.
"For what" I also laughed, which quickly turned into coughing up saltwater, "Being right and getting you to confess your obvious massive crush on Reputation?" I said that last part a little extra loud, just for effect.

"Shut up!" she laughed as she slapped her hand over my mouth. We laid there laughing for a while, and then I finally got her to confess.

"Okay, fine. Don't tell anyone, but I definitely have feelings for her" She giggled.
"I knew it!" I teased her. "You guys need to confess to each other already. You're literally so cute together."
"There's no way, she would think I'm a freak. There is no way she likes me."
"Girl you are so blind. She's falling harder for you than you are for her. Trust me. The way she's been looking at you all day, the way she felt bad and texted you an apology, the way she agreed to go to the mall after you said it sounded like fun, the way she didn't move the entire hour you were holding onto her, the way-"

"Okay okay I get it. How would I even bring it up though?"
"Just leave it to me, I have an idea"
"Tell meeee"
"You'll find out later tonight, and trust me, it'll be good" she smirked.
"Oh God."

I'm really glad no one was near the towel I was sitting on, or I would've gotten a serious talking to for the way I was staring at 1989. She looked so hot in that bikini. Like, so hot. I spent an hour and a half just watching her. I know that sounds creepy, but...okay I know it was creepy, but I couldn't help it. She's so attractive. Both physically and in her personality. She's so positive and outgoing and funny, she's also so sweet and kind and welcoming towards everyone. She definitely knows how to have a good time. I've already been thinking about her non-stop all day, but that bikini really sent me over the edge.

The butterflies really got going when she approached me.
"Hey! What're you doing?" She stood in front of me, smiling, and I had to replay the words "Keep your eyes on hers" over and over in my head. I know that sounds so bad, but like I said, that damn bikini.

"I'on know, sitting here?" Be cool, be cool.
"You should come join me! I was hanging out with Lover, but then she went to sit with Rep and Red, and you've been by yourself this whole time."
"If you say so" I'm definitely being cool.

She giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. For her size, she was surprisingly strong. She kept running, basically dragging me behind her, until we hit the water and both fell over. She stood back up and laughed.

"GUYS WE'RE LEAVING" Red called out to us.
By this time we were waist deep in the water.
"What do you mean a few minutes? Why don't you wanna head back now?" I asked.

"I'd rather do this first" she said. Before I could question anything, she pulled me closer to her and kissed me.


She pulled away for a second, "I saw you staring at me" she giggled.

"Oh, I, sorry I-" I was flustered.
"Don't apologize, I liked it." She smiled as she kissed me again. I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer until our stomachs were touching. She warped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist as I grabbed her thighs to hold her up. I wanted this moment to last forever, me and 1989 kissing passionately in the ocean with the sunset behind us. Talk about romantic.

"We should probably go back before they get suspicious" she said, but I cut her off with my lips, not ready for the moment to end. She had her hands up in my hair, pushing my lips even farther into hers. We were really in it now. We stayed like that for a few more moments until we found it in ourselves to stop so that we didn't get caught by the others.

"What took you guys so long?" Rep asked.
"When we were walking out of the water some guy hit 1989 in the face with a volleyball that he and his friends were playing with and she wouldn't stop apologizing." I quickly came up with a (amazing) lie on the spot.
"Ohhh, so that's why your cheeks are so red" Debut turned to 1989.
"Mhm, I'm fine though, if anything it left more of a mark than it actually hurt." 1989 played along. I'm such a good liar.

Damn, what a day.

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