Out Of The Woods

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Everyone woke up really early the next morning, even Rep and Midnights. Everyone was pretty silent, there wasn't really anything to be said, and  we sat around eating breakfast until Folklores phone rang. We all held our breath as she answered it, praying that it was good news. The smile on my sisters face as she said "great, we'll be there soon, thank you so much" reassured all of us, because common sense said that she wouldn't be smiling and saying great if 1989 had died.

"She's awake," Folk said as she put her phone in her purse and grabbed her keys. We all took a sigh of relief as we rushed into the van.

"We're here for 1989" we told the woman working at the front, and we were once again escorted up to her room.

Not even 12 hours after the incident and 1989 already looked 10 times better. She was awake and smiling just like her usual self, and she only had two wires hooked to her: one on her arm to give her IV fluids, and one to monitor her to make sure she didn't go unconscious again.

"Hey guys" she smiled that smile of hers that was so familiar to us all. The way she was able to be her normal self after being rushed to the hospital the night before is honestly incredible.

"I'm so glad you're okay 9" Midnights ran over and hugged her, kissing her on the lips for a good 5 seconds. The rest of us side eyed each other. We all had a pretty good idea that them two were a thing, but it hadn't really been confirmed until that moment.

"So are yall a thing?" Fearless asked the question that we all wanted a definite answer to. They didn't say anything, but the look on their faces gave us a pretty obvious answer.

"The doctor told me that as long as nothing else happens I can go home at noon." 1989 said as I looked down at my watch. 8:38. Less than 4 hours and we could all go home together.

"That's good" Lover hugged her as Midnights stepped to the side.
"Thanks for coming to see me. You guys didn't have to come this early."
"We had already been awake for over an hour beforehand. We wanted to see you." I smiled.

Everyone else nodded in agreement and started asking her questions. Everyone but Rep, who was standing quietly in the corner. I don't think it was because she didn't care though. I think she felt bad and didn't know what to say. Rep wasn't very outward with her emotions, but she always meant well, even if it didn't show. But 1989 didn't let her stand by herself for very long.

"Rep, I'm not mad at you"
"I didn't say you were"
"Yeah I know, but I just thought you should know that I don't blame you. I know you feel bad about what you said, I forgive you. This wasn't your fault, it was just bad timing."
"Thanks..." Rep replied quietly. Like I said, she did care, and what 1989 said made her feel much better, but she wasn't gonna show that in front of everyone.

"Come here" 1989 opened her arms as she looked at Rep.
"It's okay, I believe you. You aren't mad."
"Rep get over here" she gave her a sassy but playful look. Rep rolled her eyes and smiled as she gave in and embraced 1989.

"I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean any of it. I'm so glad you're okay" Rep whispered, but half of us heard it.

1989 smiled at Rep as she let go of the hug, and Rep returned the smile, showing her soft side for a split second.

We all stayed with 1989 until noon when she was discharged, and then we all went home.

By the time we got home, most of us were hungry for lunch. None of us felt like making anything out of the few items in the fridge, so we ordered pizza and sat around the table, me next to 1989.

Everyone dug into the pizza as soon as we sat down. Everyone, of course, except for 1989. I could tell she was uncomfortable, and I didn't know what to do. But I wanted to help. Right then and there, I made a promise to myself that I was going to help her. I wasn't going to let her hurt herself like this anymore.

"Do you want to eat anything?" I leaned over and whispered in her ear.
She gave me a look that said it all. She wanted to, but she couldn't bring herself to.
"It's gonna be hard at first, just eat a little bit. Don't eat more than you think you can handle, even if that's only a bite or two. Eat a little bit everyday, you'll get there, I promise." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her as she put her head on my shoulder and started crying.

"Sorry guys, it's been a long couple days" she laughed weakly, wiping away her tears since she hated to cry in front of people.
"Nobody's judging you darling."

Everyone was reassuring her as she took a bite of cheese pizza. Then she decided she could take another. And another. By the time lunch was over, she had eaten a whole slice of pizza.

After lunch, we all sat in the living room, not knowing what to do.
"I'm so proud of you 9" I leaned over and whispered to her again. She smiled and leaned into me and I hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

No one else said it directly, but I could tell how happy and relieved everyone else was when she finally ate something, and the looks and nods they gave her made her very aware of how proud everyone was of her. Sure, it was a greasy cheese pizza with very little nutrients, but hey, anything counts.

"I'm just gonna ask. We all know that you two are a thing, but no one has said anything about Lover and Rep. It's pretty obvious that something is going on though. We all wanna know." Fearless said, always being the one to ask bold questions like that.

Rep rolled her eyes as Lover blushed and tried to hide her smile.

"Oh they've definitely fucked" I teased.
"That is not true" Rep accused.
"Quit lying" 1989 laughed.
"What happened to 'I'll cover for you guys and won't let anyone know'??"  Rep asked.
"You said what? You knew??" Red asked 1989, shocked.
"That was just for the night. You guys can't hide forever." 1989 laughed again.
"I knew Lover wasn't sick. They were making out all last night after truth or dare." Debut giggled.

"Oh more than that. I saw a FULL pile of clothes on Lovers floor this morning when I walked in, where I found them cuddling, thankfully there was a blanket over them. We all know what went down last night." Folklore spilled.

Something along the lines of "DAMNNNN" came from several of us, not expecting Folklore to be the person to drop something like that.

"Okay fine, yes, after truth or dare we spent most of the night..." Rep started.
"Fucking" I finished her sentence, smirking.

"Mhm, no regrets" Lover giggled as Rep dropped her jaw, not expecting Lover to be that straightforward with it. Rep was clearly so embarrassed over this whole conversation, it was hilarious.

"So are you dating or...?" Fearless asked once again.
"Yeah" they both answered at the same time with very different tones. Lover was all proud and giggly about it, and Rep was definitely happy too, or she would be if she weren't all embarrassed over it. She shrugged off her embarrassment as she smiled, finally showing how in love she really was with Lover.

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