𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚢 𝙿𝚝. 1 - 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚂𝚞𝚗

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"Remember,'Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.' - Matthew 26:41" The priest's voice said.

Sunghoon yawned loudly, the sound echoing through the quiet church. His friend Wonyoung, sitting beside him, slapped his thigh and gave him a sharp look.

"How do you expect me to act with someone's sermon? Nod at every sentence?" Sunghoon whispered, rolling his eyes.

An old lady from behind leaned forward and shushed him, her disapproving glare making Sunghoon finally shut up. He slouched in the pew, glancing around the church with mild interest.

His eyes suddenly settled on a specific sacristan, moving gracefully around the altar. Sunghoon fixed his posture to hide his arousal. He didn't like the church, but he also didn't like people seeing his structure

Sunghoon spent the rest of the time behaved and tamed, but instead of listening to the priest, his eyes were fixed on the sacristan. The young man moved with such grace, tending to his duties with a gentle touch. He looked so graceful, so beautiful, so soft, so good to f...

Sunghoon's thoughts wandered, imagining what it would be like to break that purity, to pull him into his world. The sacristan's innocence was like a magnet, drawing Sunghoon in with a force he just couldn't resist. As the sermon continued, Sunghoon's mind was filled not with the priest's words, but with plans that God might just forbid, he smirked.

Sunghoon then paused, muttering, "Whoa," and scoffed, amazed by what he was already planning to do with a stranger he hadn't even met yet.

Wonyoung glanced over and whispered, "Why the 'whoa'? Are you already feeling God's words?"

Sunghoon smirked, his eyes still on the sacristan. "Oh, I feel it alright. I can almost... taste it."

Wonyoung frowned, slightly confused. "Weird, but good for you, I guess..." she replied, shaking her head before turning her attention back to the sermon.

The sermon ended, and it was time for communion. Sunghoon watched as the sacristan helped the priest with the communal bread, moving with that same gracefulness that had captivated him earlier. Without thinking, Sunghoon joined the line.

As he approached, his eyes locked onto the sacristan. There was a moment where everything else faded away, and they made eye contact. The sacristan's eyes were innocent, calm, and kind, causing an unfamiliar flutter in Sunghoon's chest.

"Hands, son," the priest's voice broke the spell. Sunghoon blinked, realizing he had forgotten to raise his hands to receive the bread. Flustered, he quickly put his hands up, and the priest placed the bread in his palm. Sunghoon took the bread, consumed it, and continued to stare at the sacristan.

After the mass, Sunghoon and Wonyoung exited the church, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the steps.

"Hey, I'm actually going somewhere with my family, but I can accompany you home-" Sunghoon said casually.

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