𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕 - 𝙷𝚎𝚎𝚂𝚞𝚗𝙺𝚒 ⚠️

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Content Warning: This story contains mature themes and content that may not be suitable for all readers. Please be advised and make an informed decision before proceeding ^^








Sunoo's eyes fluttered open, the sterile white light of the hospital room blinding him for a moment. The heart monitor beeped continuously. His head pounded, and he felt the tight constraint of a leg sling, a cast on his left arm, and a head wrap. He turned his head slowly, wincing at the pain, and saw a man sleeping with his head resting on the bed railing.

"H-Hello...?" Sunoo's voice was weak, barely more than a whisper.

The man jolted awake, his eyes widening with a mix of relief and joy. "Y-You're awake! Sunoo... W-Wait," he stammered before rushing out of the room to call a nurse.

Within moments, nurses and a doctor rushed in, checking Sunoo's vitals and fussing over him. The man who had been at his bedside stood back, his eyes fixed on Sunoo. "You're finally awake..." he said softly.

"W-Who are you...?" Sunoo's voice trembled with confusion and fear.

The man's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. The medical staff exchanged worried glances. "Oh... Right..." the man said, straightening up. "Do you know your name?" the doctor asked gently.

"Yeah, Sunoo Kim," he replied, his voice growing stronger.

The doctor nodded. "Well, he is your husband," the doctor said, gesturing to the man who had been by Sunoo's side.

"...What?!" Sunoo's voice was filled with disbelief and shock.

The doctor continued, "You had an accident, Mr. Kim. Are you okay to take the news in?"

"...Y-Yeah..." Sunoo replied, his heart pounding.

"You and Mr. Lee were in a car accident. You both suffered injuries. You have a major injury to your femur, which means you may not be able to walk for about four to five months. But, we've already installed metal braces to aid in your recovery. You also sustained minor injuries to your left arm and head, but..." The doctor paused, hesitating.

"What the... what else?" Sunoo asked, his anxiety mounting.

"You have developed dissociative amnesia. You may not remember specific events as you did before, Mr. Kim..."

Sunoo's mind raced. He looked at the man who was supposed to be his husband, feeling a sense of familiarity yet... the sense of alienation. His head throbbed, not just from the injury but from the overwhelming confusion and fear.

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