𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚛 - 𝙹𝚊𝚢𝚆𝚘𝚗

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"You're not a coward, are you?" Sunoo taunted Jungwon, a smirk on his face.

"I'm not a fucking coward!" Jungwon shot back, rolling his eyes.

"Then go for it! Just press the button, we're having a vacation for a week, we won't be able to do this again!" Sunoo urged, his grin widening.

"Right?" Jake chimed in, egging him on.

Beomgyu reached out for Jungwon's phone. "Give it to me, I'll do it."

Jungwon clutched his phone to his chest. "Fine, fine! I'll do it, you fuckers."


Request Sent.

Jungwon's friends exploded with excitement, squealing and cheering. "Our BFF's finally making a move!" Beomgyu said, practically bouncing in his seat.

Jungwon had made a fake account to message his friend and crush, Jay, using the name of his cactus years ago, Injang, who was now in heaven. His heart was racing like crazy. Was this really happening?

The room suddenly went quiet as Jay walked in. Beomgyu started making goofy faces behind Jay's back, trying to mess with Jungwon.

Jungwon's stomach twisted with guilt. Jay was always nice to him, and here he was, catfishing him. But damn, he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up anymore. He had to do something, even if it meant pretending to be someone else.

Jake, Sunoo, and Beomgyu tip toed out the door and went back to their classrooms, acting like nothing had happened. Jungwon's eyes widened as he saw Jay check his phone. He held his breath, hoping against hope.

But then Jay just turned his phone off and put it away. Jungwon's heart sank. Maybe Jay wouldn't even accept the request. What if this was all for nothing?

Jungwon tried to focus on the good side, but his mind was a blur. His friends kept chatting, but he could only think about that stupid request. He felt like an idiot. This whole thing was a mess. Why did he even listen to those dumbasses?

"Hey, how's it going there?" Sunoo messaged in their group chat.

"Nothing much, I'm... nervous," Jungwon replied.

"Don't sweat it, man. It'll work out," Jake said, giving him a reassuring emoji.

Jungwon forced a smile, but he wasn't so sure. He just hoped this wouldn't blow up in his face.

After class, Jungwon hurried to catch up with Jay, who was already heading towards the school gate. They often walked home together, their houses conveniently close to each other.

"Hey, Jay," Jungwon called out, trying to sound casual.

Jay glanced back, a faint hint of recognition in his eyes. "Hey. You heading home?"

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